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Daymaker (2007)

  • 美國
  • |
  • 喜劇
  • 片       名Daymaker
  • 上映時間2007年08月04日(美國)
  • 導(dǎo)       演 Joe LiTren...
  • 又       名Daymaker
  • 編       劇 Joe LiTren...


  • Yumiko: I'm gonna make some green tea. If you want to stay, you're more than welcome. Joe: Yeah. Yeah, I love green tea. Sera: But if it's a real dogshit day, I'll call the people on the list. I'll call them and ask them how they're doin; if there's anything I can do for them. See if their day's going well. Mostly I go see somebody and that helps. It's just like... I gotta get past that thing that likes sitting in that feeling of sourness. That usually makes me not wanna go see anybody. But if I make the conscious effort to reverse that, and go see a friend, I always feel so much better. Yeah. Chris: Whoa. That answers my question. Sera: Now you think I'm the one who's weird. Chris: I do. Get the fuck outta my house! [pause] Chris: No, I'm kidding. [Laughs] Chris: I'm just kidding. Oh my God, can you imagine? Trevor: Oh, we've got some party favors now. Janice: What's that? D: L. Janice: L... what's L? D: LSD. Janice: You're putting it on the sharks? Trevor: Yeah, I mean this stuff is serious. It's vicious. It they made gummy cheetahs I would have got those, 'cause it kinda just jumps up and bites ya in the neck like a cheetah. But, you know... they only had sharks. Andy: I feel like a spider. Veronika: You and your delusions about people. You're putting my cat to sleep. [to Princessa] Veronika: Let's get out of here. You need a bowl of milk and a nap. Joe: I need a bowl of milk and a nap. Honey's friend, Caroline: You can't make her quit, ya know. She's gonna have to do it on her own. Aunt Honey: No, I know that. But I wanna... Honey's friend, Caroline: You can't get upset. I mean, ya gotta let it go, ya know. She's gonna find her own way. Aunt Honey: I'm just tryin to get through to her. It'd be different if she was... I mean I'm not sayin that smokin weed and drinkin is fine, but cocaine? I, I just can't get it. Honey's friend, Caroline: Well I mean, ya know, a drug is a drug is a drug. Angela: Because you like beer? Janice: Beer and other things; things that are like poison, yucky things. Angela: So why do you do it, Mommy? Janice: Well, because when Mommy does these things she gets confused and pretty song... pretty soon it starts to seem like the poison is medicine. Angela: Daddy likes beer and he isn't sick. Janice: I know. Daddy likes beer. Angela: But not as much as you. Andy: What do I have to shoot? Kira: A model, big brain. Andy: I realize that, slime bitch. What's the shoot? What's the project? Joe: Can I, uh... can I put that wig on you? Kira: You can put a wig on me. Sure. Joe: Try a little somethin different here. [puts wig on] Joe: Oh, yeah. Kira: Do I look like a jellyfish now? Lucy: Tomorrow I'm gettin my fucking cat! If you have any respect for me whatsoever, you won't be here. D: Oh, man! There's always somebody tryin to fuck my shit up, man! I'm just tryin to hang around and be jolly. But a nigga can't even be jolly! Chris: All I have are these plastic glasses... ugh, cups, that is. Karina: Plastic cups. Chris: Yeah. Is that OK? Karina: Yeah, plastic will do. Chris: Plastic cups for two, Electric Boogaloo. Karina: You're so funny. Chris: I'm sorry, no I'm not funny. Did they tell you what I wanted? Yumiko: So when you wanna think about him, and when you think you're gonna forget about him, you make this ring. And this sound is from him. Chris: Can I talk to you for a second? Lucy: You can try. Marion: [dream] Listen, if we don't do this we're gonna run out of fish oil! Joe: I'll make fish oil! Marion: You idiot. You don't make fish oil, you squeeze fish oil! Why don't you get lost? Joe: Why don't you get lost? Marion: I don't get lost. I lose to. Chris: Exactly what do you want me to do? D: Don't fuckin give her anymore, man! Trevor: Chill, chill. We're just talking. Look - this may not be the best thing for your business... Chris: No, no, no, no, no. There's no business. No, see she just sold me this helmet. This helmet here, she just sold it to me and, ah... she came in, I was doin a couple lines, and that was it, you know. Trevor: OK. For future reference, don't make it available if she comes back lookin for more! D: Exactly! Chris: No, I'm not a fucking dealer! OK, it was a friendly thing, you know... like, she saw it; it was there. That's it, that's all that happened. Trevor: Uh-huh. I understand. But should she return... Chris: No, do wanna see how much I have? I mean, like, this is it! [Holding up bag] Chris: This is it! That's all. Kira: If he doesn't get here soon I'm gonna have the tweak-out of the fucking century! Andy: Can you cook anything? Chris: No more acid for you, Janice. Janice: I didn't have any acid D: Cool. But it's not tabs, man. Trevor: It's not Tabitha Soren? D: Is she bangin? Chris: Yeah. She's gorgeous. D: So why she leavin you, man? Chris: I'm a prick. Chris: Cool as a jewel. Joe: Is this your fortune today? Kira: It's your fortune today. Joe: Our truest life is when we are in our dreams awake. Oh, wow. That's perfect. Thank you. Kira: No problem. Chris: You really helped me today. I don't know, maybe I'm fuckin crazy. Karina: You're not crazy. You see yourself. You see what you don't like, and you want to change it. It's normal. Not crazy. Trevor: Yeah, let's do this like Brutus. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
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