

  • [from trailer] President Gerald Fitzhugh: [as Buck looks at his Bible] Answers first, prayers later! Buck Williams: The answer's in there. Amanda White: Captain Rayford Steele, you are not the person I would expect to marry. Rayford Steele: [laughs] Gee, thanks. [opening line] President Gerald Fitzhugh: Funny thing about a dream: When you sleep, no matter how crazy it may be, it all seems to make sense. Nicolae Carpathia: That's not humanly possible, is it? [closing line] Buck Williams: [to Carolyn] We need to talk. Buck Williams: [Chole is about to leave and take medicine to the sick] I don't like this idea and your dad won't either. Chloe Steele: You're supposed to love and obey. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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