

  • Isaiah Haden: [Isaiah is on a plane experiencing turbulence] .. .. .. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • [he snaps his fingers, the turbulence stops immediately after] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Isaiah Haden: Coincidence? You'll never know. Isaiah Haden: Forgive them, father, for they know not what they do. Richard: Can I ask you something? Why did you become a nun? A young woman, attractive, her whole life ahead of her. Giving up having babies, knowing men, going to parties. Never a temptation? Never a regret? Sister Josepha Montefiore: Regret, never. But, um, temptation, always. This is the essence of consciousness. Consciousness being awareness of choice, choice between good and evil, which is the essence of temptation. Richard: Boy, you know how to discourage idle chatter. Sister Josepha Montefiore: I'd like to wear something red sometime. Richard: Oh, you'll burn at the stake for that one. Sister Josepha Montefiore: "Father, why hast thou forsaken me?" Christ asked the same question. Richard: Did he get an answer? Sister Josepha Montefiore: Well, he wasn't a scientist so he knew that... some questions have none. Livvie: [muttering to herself] Jesus Christ. Mr. Beaudrey: Just for that, you're going to church Sunday! Cardinal La Veigh: If it weren't for Torvald Ecklind shielding you, you'd be excommunicated. [pause] Cardinal La Veigh: Do you have anything to say? Sister Josepha Montefiore: May God grant him a long life. And you as well. So that you shall have to deal with *me* till the end of *your* days. Olivia Beaudrey 'Livvie': I pray the Lord, the Lord to light, hidden things, hidden things. Sister Josepha Montefiore: The pain we feel at the loss of a loved one is a testimony to the power of human love. Sister Josepha Montefiore: We couldn't hurt this much, if we didn't love this much. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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