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Self Medicated (2005)

  • 美國(guó)
Self Medicated
  • 片       名Self Medicated
  • 上映時(shí)間2005年08月28日(美國(guó))
  • 導(dǎo)       演 Monty Lapi...
  • 又       名Self Medicated
  • 編       劇 Monty Lapi...


  • Andrew Eriksen: What the hell is conspiracy to escape? Dan Jones: Hey, watch it mister! H-E double hockey sticks is a curse word. Now I want 500 words on the deleterious effects of profanity. Andrew Eriksen: You got a Bible verse memorized for it and everything, huh? Gabe: 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請(qǐng)手動(dòng)復(fù)制
  • 7e 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請(qǐng)手動(dòng)復(fù)制
  • Here's another one you ought to think about. "It's better to put it in the belly of a whore than on the ground." 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請(qǐng)手動(dòng)復(fù)制
  • e43 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請(qǐng)手動(dòng)復(fù)制
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