

  • advertisement Hairdresser: Shouldn't I have a lawyer? Brenda Leigh Johnson: You could call a lawyer... but if you do I'll tear this custody agreement into little pieces and Dean will walk away with your baby the minute it's born. Sgt. David Gabriel: You brought your cat to a crime scene? Brenda Leigh Johnson: It's not my cat, it just lives with me and eats at my house. Brenda Leigh Johnson: We are running him down the flagpole and that's all that there is to it. If you want to examine the body, you may do so after I'm done. [Albert's body comes crashing through the window] Brenda Leigh Johnson: I'm done. Det. Lt. Provenza: Ok, everybody; mark the date. [long pause] Det. Lt. Provenza: I was wrong. Brenda Leigh Johnson: Are you trying to encourage me or make me nervous? Asst. Police Chief Will Pope: I'm just trying to figure out why you're so damn confident you can get this woman to help you. Brenda Leigh Johnson: Well, because, Will, I know a little something about admiring the boss and finding out he's not the guy you thought he was. Brenda Leigh Johnson: Do I look hurt to you, Will? Asst. Police Chief Will Pope: No. Unless I'm mistaken, that's your angry face. Brenda Leigh Johnson: If you don't mind, Lieutenant, I like to have the answers before I ask questions. Brenda Leigh Johnson: Thank you, thank you so much. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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