
"Amor real" (2005)

  • 墨西哥
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  • 愛情
"Amor real"


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  • Matilde Peñalver: I love another and I was forced to marry you! Manuel Fuentes Guerra: Consider yourself lucky! Your mother was selling you off to the highest bidder, you could have ended up with some disgusting old man or a brute that would kill you for what you just said. I want to kill you myself. Matilde Peñalver: Do it then! Kill me! KILL ME! Manuel Fuentes Guerra: [to the guard] I'm turning myself in. Now give me back my son. Adolfo Solís: Matilde, come with me! We can finally be together. Matilde Peñalver: I'm sorry. I loved you once. If you had come sooner...but now, I love my husband. Matilde Peñalver: Where is the painting that hangs here? Josefina De Icaza: I ordered the servants to remove it, it bothered Manuel. Matilde Peñalver: [to a servant] Have it put back please. [to Josefina] Matilde Peñalver: Last time I checked, this was my house. And as the lady of this house I strongly discourage you from attempting to override my orders. Rosario Aranda: [to Manuel] You are my son. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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