
紅門背后 (2003)

  • 美國


  • Natalie: You're being silly, Roy. Roy: I'm being Roy, silly. [Michelle had put her hand in the wet, red paint on the door] Julia: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't you see the sign? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Michelle: No. Julia: Well, if it were any bigger it would BE the door. Roy: Oh, God, this town's going to remember us. The couple that went 'beep'. Roy: Have you ever seen it snow on the ocean? Natalie: I don't think so. Roy: It's the sound of the snow, really. It's as if each individual flake has its own... voice. A hiss as it hits the water, and then this whisper as it tames the ocean's roar... peacefully. It's my favorite Christmas thing. Roy: Is that my sweater you have on? Natalie: No, Roy, it's my sweater. Roy: I think I'd know my own sweater, Natalie. Natalie: It's polyester, Roy. Roy: Definitely not my sweater. Roy: Gone for a few days and they start applying make-up like it's Spackle! Roy: What's your problem now, besides the fact that you can't cook rice? And don't give me one of your looks. Natalie: I'm not. Roy: DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE NOT! Who the hell do you think you are? I AM STILL MR. ROY HADDAD, REMEMBER? Can you remember that? Can you remember fucking ANYTHING? You think you know everything, Natalie, but let me tell you I am here to tell you different, and DON'T YOU FORGET IT! Roy: Arthur, let me explain this to you. There is FedEx, and then there is FedEx, and then there's FEDEX! Roy: Alan insisted that we have people... to look after him. We could afford it, he said. He wanted me to keep working, and he didn't want me to watch him go. Then I realized... a parade of strangers watched him go. Roy: This is my sister Natalie, everyone; she has decided to grace us with her presence on my birthday. She doesn't come cheap, and she doesn't come on time. Natalie: It just seems so unfair, you know? I mean, if I have to do this family thing, shouldn't I get to experience some of the good stuff too? Julia: Well, who says the family thing has any rules? Wasn't it you who said, "Happy families are always happy in the same way", and... Natalie: ..."every unhappy family sucks in a different way"? No, that was Tolstoy. Julia: Oh. Gotta love those Russians. Natalie: You know, it's funny. You're the only one in the entire family that ever had a real, loving relationship. Roy: From your mouth to God's ears. What about you? Natalie: Nothing like with you and Alan. Roy: Why not? Natalie: I don't know. Prefer to be alone, I guess. Roy: Sometimes I think you're the only woman waiting to come out as a heterosexual. [Roy leans forward and strokes Natalie's hair] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Roy 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : No one prefers to be alone, Natalie. No one. The first step is... scary. But it's worth it. Roy: If you could, would you want to know when you were going to die? Natalie: No. Yeah. I-I don't know, maybe. Roy: Hmm... Not knowing is a luxury. [Roy coughs] Roy: I used to think I was going to live long enough that I would hate getting old. [sarcastically] Roy: Oh, fuck. I blew that one. Natalie: Are you... Roy: Done? Oh God, I hope so. Roy: Do you think God will let me into his kingdom? I would let him into mine if he asked. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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