
Out of Step (2002)

  • 美國
Out of Step
  • 片       名Out of Step
  • 上映時間2002年02月15日(美國)
  • 導       演 瑞恩·雷特爾


  • Keisha: They've got screwed up beliefs. Jenny Thomas: Oh Keisha. Keisha: Oh, I'm sorry, do you have friends out there? But I studied up on it, it's a cult. They don't believe in grace, they don't believe in the true Jesus - Jenny Thomas: Did you know I'm Mormon? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Keisha 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : [Embarrassed] I feel stupid now. I didn't mean to be so harsh. But Jenny do you really believe all that stuff? Jenny Thomas: Yeah I do. Keisha: You need to step back and take a look at this. Jenny Thomas: Wait, a minute ago we were talking about protecting other people's faiths and now it seems you're trying to tearing down mine, do you see what a double standard that is? Keisha: My goal is to help people and Jenny, Jesus is the only way to heaven. Jenny Thomas: I believe that. Keisha: Well from what I read you don't. Jenny Thomas: Well I think I know what I believe and don't. Keisha: We'll just have to agree or disagree about this, but thanks for coming Jenny. Paul Taylor: I'll bet she has a really sweet spirit. Paul Taylor: So, New York, After we get married, how many kids are we going to have, again? Jenny Thomas: Including you? Paul Taylor: Hello. The slopes are calling. It's for you. Jenny Thomas: Oh Paul should die? O.K. Charlie: It's time for kissing rugby. Jenny's mom: Who was that? Jenny Thomas: That was Dave. Jenny's mom: Is this the guy you're dating? Jenny Thomas: Mm'hmm. Jenny's mom: So where did you meet him? Did you meet him in class? Did you meet him at church? Jenny Thomas: No, he's not Mormon. Jenny's mom: So how serious is it? Jenny Thomas: Mother. Jenny's mom: Well I think you should be careful. Things could happen. Jenny Thomas: What's going to happen mom? End up with a really nice guy. He's better than any of the guys I've dated from church. Jenny's dad: Is David more than a friend now? Jenny Thomas: Yes he is. Jenny's mom: How much more? Jenny Thomas: Well I'm not going to marry him if that's what you're thinking. Jenny's mom: Well you marry who you date. Jenny Thomas: Oh I know. Jenny's mom: Jenny it would never work. Jenny Thomas: Mom how would you know? How could could you possible make judgements like that when you don't even know him? Just admit for once that you're wrong or shut up because I can't take this anymore! Jenny's dad: Jenny you don't talk to you're mother like - Jenny come back here! Jenny Thomas: I'm going to miss you. Mr. Rigg: Well I'm not going to miss you in the least Jenny, you got the scholarship. Jenny Thomas: I d 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • on't know what to say. Jenny Thomas: Morning. Desiree Porter: Hey. Did you have fun last night? Jenny Thomas: Oh yes, a blast. Look like you did too. Desiree Porter: Yeah, I always have fun. What's the point if you don't? Jenny Thomas: You're voice is amazing. Desiree Porter: Thanks. Jenny Thomas: And Dave. Desiree Porter: Oh yes, that guy is amazing, but there's a dark side to him too. Jenny Thomas: What do you mean? Desiree Porter: Well 'A' he's a drug addict and 'B' he was engaged to my girlfriend and dumped her a week before the wedding and I had to listen to her cry for weeks on end. Jenny Thomas: Drugs huh? Jenny Thomas: Yeah the guy's cute but he's bad news. He's definately one night stand material though. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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