

  • The Wendy's Girl: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Welcome to Wendy's. How may I help you? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Mick "Crocodile" Dundee: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Good evening, Wendy! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Mick "Crocodile" Dundee: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • I guess that's why they call Los Angeles "the city on wheels". 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Jacko: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Why do you say that? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Mick "Crocodile" Dundee: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Well they don't even get out of their cars to mug ya. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Mikey Dundee: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Do people like rats here? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Miss Mathis: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Your son says that you're a hunter, and that you hunt and kill crocodiles. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Mick "Crocodile" Dundee: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Aw, geez he should know better than that, Crocodiles are protected. I don't kill them, I catch them alive. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Miss Mathis: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • [amazed] Oh! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Mick "Crocodile" Dundee: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Don't you worry. There'll be no more fibs. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Sue Charleton: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • So did he behave? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Mick "Crocodile" Dundee: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Oh, yeah he was no trouble. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Sue Charleton: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Not you. I was talking to Mikey! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Mick "Crocodile" Dundee: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • [just before leaving curator's office, he notices a painting] Who painted this? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Curator: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Pablo Picasso. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Mick "Crocodile" Dundee: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • I'm a drinkin' man myself, but I've never been *that* wasted. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • [Driving into Wendy's Drive-Thru] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Mick "Crocodile" Dundee: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Now, you pick out what you want on that menu there. Then you yell it out into that box. Then in 2 minutes, you're scoffing it down, without even getting out of the car. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Jacko: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • So, you can eat like a pig... and nobody can see you. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • [winks] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Jacko: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Clever buggers, these yanks. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Mick "Crocodile" Dundee: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Couldn't you just buy the actual paintings? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Phil: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Maybe for a big motion picture like Mission Impossible But I haven't seen Tom Cruise around the set, have you? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Mick "Crocodile" Dundee: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • [thinking] Tom Cruise... what's he look like? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Phil: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • [ 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • c69 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • confused] Like Tom Cruise...... Geez Mick, where you born in a cave? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Mick "Crocodile" Dundee: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Yeah! How'd you know that? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Phil: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Never mind. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • [After foiling some gangsters who try to mug them] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Mick "Crocodile" Dundee: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Now I know why they call L.A. 'The city on wheels'. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Jacko: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Why's that? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Mick "Crocodile" Dundee: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Well they don't even get out of there car to mug ya. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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