

  • Veronica: I didn't do nothing. Diana Guzman: Except be your stinky skanky self. Hector: You Sandro's kid too? How come I never heard about you? Diana Guzman: I don't know. I'm his pride and joy. Diana Guzman: Now that I've got school covered, I've only have the world outside these walls to fuck up. Adrian: My life with you is war. Diana Guzman: Maybe. Maybe life is just war period. Hector: Now we're boxing. Hector: You should start roadwork. Run three miles, four times a week. Diana Guzman: Three miles? You gotta be kidding me. Hector: At least three. At this rate, you wouldn't last one round in the ring. Diana Guzman: But I got power, you said so. Hector: Big deal! You got the endurance of a corpse. Cal: How's it working with her? Hector: Gotta pay the bills. Cal: When it gets that desperate, borrow from me. Tiny: I just want to make him happy. Diana Guzman: Lot's of luck to you. Diana Guzman: How come everything's gotta be romance with you? Marisol: I live for that shit, what can I say? Diana Guzman: You still like me with my black eye? Adrian: I think I like you more. Diana Guzman: What are you gonna be doing when you're supposed to be at the gym? Tiny: I'm a geek. I'll do something constructive with my time. Diana Guzman: All these years, you just looked right through me. Hector: Inside, you know yourself? Diana Guzman: Yeah. I do. Hector: Then that's all you need. Diana: I love you. I really do. [punches Adrian in the face] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • 24 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Diana 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • be4 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • : How does it feel to have someone so much like you so close to you. Diana: Mr. Ex-100% man to your left. Adrian: You shouldn't hit people like that. Diana: I couldn't resist. Adrian: Why did you train with Hector. Diana: You mean at all. Adrian: Yeah. Diana: Because I want to. Adrian: Aren't you afraid of gettin' hurt? Diana: What, and you're not? Adrian: No, it's just- It's a dangerous sport. Diana: I didn't make the cheerleading team. Diana: You fucked him. Veronica: I did not! Diana: You're lying. Adrian: [after kissing Diana for the first time] You taste sweet. Diana Guzman: Funny. I always thought of myself as salty. Adrian: You are wrong. You're sweet. Adrian: I'm gonna turn pro and I'm gonna move far away from here. Someplace where I'm not gonna get killed doing my laundry. Diana Guzman: Right. Or raped in your own fucking stairway. Adrian: Shot for a pair of shoes. [They both laugh] Ray: You know, they say love kills you in the ring. Diana: [to Adrian] So, where's your woman when she doesn't have her tongue in your ear? Or you only bring her out for special occasions? Adrian: So, you gonna dump me now? Diana Guzman: Probably. Adrian: Promise? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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