
Groove (2000)

  • 美國
  • 片       名Groove
  • 上映時間2000年12月15日(澳大利亞)
  • 導(dǎo)       演 格雷戈·哈里森


  • [Bill is passing up all drugs but marijuana for the night] Bill: Baked, not fried... the healthy choice. Ernie: Guy, if there's one thing you learn tonight, I hope it's this: The shit ain't over 'till the last record spins. Todd: Dude... When did you get all Haight-Ashbury on me? I mean - you used to listen to Nitzer-Ebb! Cliff: I was 12, and I was a nazi. [the party organizers are discussing the area surrounding their warehouse] Guy: Oh, wait a minute, I got one more thing. Ernie: What's that? Guy: Police station's three blocks away. Ernie: Remember: no obstacles... only challenges. Guy: Why do you do this to yourself? Don't even get paid, risk getting arrested, for what? Ernie: You don't know? Guy: No. Ernie: The Nod. Guy: The Nod? Ernie: Happens to me at least once every party. Some guy comes up to me and says "Thank you for making this happen... I needed this. This really meant something to me." And they nod... and I nod back. Guy: [scoffs] ... That's it? Ernie: That's it. [Todd reads a piece of paper handed to him by a candy raver] Todd: "Love is the reason... PLUR"? Cliff: "PLUR" - Peace, Love, Unity and Respect. Todd: [swallows a hit of Ecstasy] ... Well, bring on the love. Raver: I'd like to buy a vowel. Cliff: 'E' or 'A'? Raver: 'A'. Raver 2: Tell him what he's won. Cliff: [handing Raver a hit of acid] An all-expense-paid trip to your cerebral cortex. Thanks for playing. Title Card: [Anthony spies Colin after a drugged-up tryst with him] Anthony Mitchell: Hey Colin. Maybe I'll see you out again sometime. Wanna give me your number, or...? Colin Turner: Look. I don't normally... do that sort of thing, OK? Anthony Mitchell: What, you don't have a phone? Dance Floor DJ #2: The sweet cotton candy kiss of transcendental bliss... 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
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