

  • Wadsworth Sr.: Life is hunger. Life is anger. Life is pain and dirt. Your grandfather knew life. He didn't recommend it. That's why we're rich. Wadsworth Sr.: To be wealthy, warm, and well-thought of... that's what a man really wants, if he's honest. And you have it. General Joe Wheeler: We've got the Yankees on the run! Lieutenant Wheeler: Spaniards, sir; and they're falling back onto prepared positions. General Joe Wheeler: Don't spoil it, son. Indian Bob: What are you thinking about, Craig? Craig Wadsworth: My father. He gave me some advice, before I joined the regiment. Indian Bob: Was it good advice? Craig Wadsworth: Yes. Indian Bob: Did you follow it? Craig Wadsworth: No. Theodore Roosevelt: Will you be so kind, Mr Crane, with your camera, to take a picture of this regiment on this glorious hill, for we will always live in its shadow. Stephen Crane: You're wounded, sir. Craig Wadsworth: A red badge of courage... it's not like your book, old man. I would have run if I could have. Stephen Crane: Why didn't you? Craig Wadsworth: Because they were watching, my fellows; they didn't run. [first lines] Henry Nash: I miss you, boys. Been more that twenty years. My God, we were young. Well, it was a young country then, full of promise and hope. Anything was possible then if you were an American. [last lines] Henry Nash: I'll see you boys soon. Adios compadres. Henry Bardshar: [Roosevelt has expressed concern over the upcoming attack] Don't worry, colonel; you're the closest thing most of these boys have to a father. We won't let you down. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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