
David Searching (1997)

  • 美國
David Searching
  • 片       名David Searching
  • 上映時間1997年02月25日(澳大利亞)
  • 導       演 Leslie L. ...
  • 又       名David Searching
  • 編       劇 Leslie L. ...


  • Gwen: I said, "I do," so I thought I'd better... Gwen: Who are you looking for, David? David: Gilgamesh. David: Men suck! Walter Pryor: I thought that's what you liked about them. David: Filing books back into their proper place in the Dewey Decimal system isn't exactly the stuff my orgasms are made of. Gwen: Do they still use the Dewey Decimal system? David: So tell us, Walt, how loud do you plow? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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