

  • David Alden: You must be Amy. I gave you Silly Putty once for Christmas. You ate it. David Alden: With this baby you could fly over the Empire State Building. Thomas Alden: Or end up as a big pound of ground round. One of the two. Susan Barnes: Broken promises are the worst. Better not to promise anything. [Startled awake, still remembering a dream] David Alden: They came at me from the frozen food section. Their lips were so blue... Susan Barnes: [about the plan to fly south with the geese] This will never work! Thomas Alden: [confused] But I thought you liked the geese. Susan Barnes: [shouts] I *DO* LIKE THE GEESE! [first lines] Amy Alden: Mum died, didn't she? Amy Alden: Why did he bring that ranger guy here to CHOP THEIR WINGS OFF? Susan Barnes: Your father didn't know, nobody knew he was going to do that... Amy Alden: Yes he did and he's coming back! Susan Barnes: No! Amy Alden: Yes he is! He said he was! Susan Barnes: Amy, listen to me. Amy Alden: No! Amy Alden: [the ranger's trying to clip a goose's wing with a nail cutter] WHAT ARE YOU DOING? [hits him on the head with a metal bowl] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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