
鳳舞紅塵 (1996)

  • 美國 愛爾蘭
  • |
  • 愛情
  • 片       名鳳舞紅塵
  • 上映時間1996年11月08日(土耳其)
  • 導       演 Pen Densha...


  • Hibble: Circumstances have taught me that a man's ethics are the only possessions he will take beyond the grave. Moll Flanders: I'm not going to fear any man of flesh and blood, no matter what costume he wears. Moll Flanders: Hope comes to the young as naturally as the spring rains. Moll Flanders: I kept kissing frogs looking for a prince. Mrs. Allworthy: Life's terrible short girl. Give yourself some pleasure. I'll bet you've never been kissed. Artist: Great money does not a great human make. Moll Flanders: I always thought I had to be rich to own the stars. Moll Flanders: We experienced a delirious, timeless peace. Artist: I found my creation in you. It's life. God is love, Moll. Love is God. Hibble: Um, for your understanding, Flora, this is rather... delicate. Do you know what the male and female were intending? Flora: Sure! I seen dogs in the street doing it! Hibble: Yes... well, it's not quite the same thing. Flora: How do you know? You're not a dog! Moll Flanders: Don't you understand? I'm going to fail you. Artist: I can accept that. Moll Flanders: No, FEEL THAT!! [She Hits Him In The Chest] Moll Flanders: That's nothing compared to the pain that comes with me. "They hung her mother!" FEEL THAT!!! [She Hits Him In The Chest] Moll Flanders: "She slept with *hundreds*!!" FEEL THAT [She Hits Him In The Chest] Moll Flanders: This is Stupid. I'm Leaving! [She Walks Out The Door] Moll Flanders: [She Storms Back In] Moll Flanders: I forgot me bleedin', stupid shoes! Artist: Put your shoes under the bed, Moll. [While Posing in the Nude Pregnent with The Artist's Baby] Moll Flanders: It's moving! Artist: Keep still...Both of you. Hibble: There are more compelling motives than fear. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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