

  • Arthur: God uses people like you, Lancelot. Because your heart is open. You hold nothing back. You give all of yourself. Lancelot: If you knew me better, you would not say such things. Arthur: Oh, hey, I take the good with the bad, together. I can't love people in slices. King Arthur: For the first in my life, I wanted what all wise man say can't last; what can't be promised or made to linger any more than sunlight. I don't want to die without having felt its warmth on my face. Lancelot: You must not care whether you live or die. Lancelot: Do you know how to win a sword fight? John: How? Lancelot: Be the only one with a sword! Arthur: Lancelot, just a thought. A man who fears nothing is a man who loves nothing; and if you love nothing, what joy is there in your life? I may be wrong. Lancelot: I dare not kiss so lovely a lady. I have but one heart to lose. Malagant: What I offer you is freedom; freedom from Arthur's tyrannical dream; fredom from Arthur's tyrannical law; freedom from Arthur's tyrannical God. Guinevere: If there is any honor in you, promise me never to do that again. Lancelot: I don't know about honor. But I promise you, I won't kiss you again till you ask me to. Arthur: You risked your life for another. There is no greater love. Malagant: Self-sacrifice is very easy. It's having to sacrifice someone you love that puts your convictions to the test. King Arthur: Only a fool wants what he can not have. King Arthur: There are laws that enslave men, and laws that set them free. King Arthur: May God grant us the wisdom to discover right, the will to choose it, and the strength to make it endure. King Arthur: This is the heart of Camelot, not these stones, not these timbers, these palaces and towers. Burn them all and Camelot lives on, because it lives in us. Camelot is a belief that we hold in our hearts. King Arthur: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • What we hold to be right, and good, and true IS right and good and true for all men. Otherwise we're just another robber tribe. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Guinevere: I want to marry you. Not your crown, not your army. Just you. Arthur: How have I failed you? King Arthur: There's a peace only to be found on the other side of war. If that war should come I will fight it! Lancelot: I've never believed in anything before. But I do believe in Camelot, and I would serve it best by leaving. King Arthur: I trusted you, loved you, and you betrayed me! Lancelot: I never meant to hurt you, my lord. King Arthur: You leave me nothing! Nothing! King Arthur: I have no pride left in me. What I do, now I do for my people and for Camelot. And may they forgive me. This is my last act as your king. Do not be afraid. All things change. I am Arthur of Camelot, and I command you now... all... To fight! Fight like you've never fought before! Never surrender! Never Surrender! Fight as you never... [Arthur is shot by several crossbow bolts] King Arthur: Camelot lives! Arthur: [to Lancelot after being betrayed] The law will judge you! Guinevere: Love has many faces. I may look on you differently, but not with less love. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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