
七年風暴 (1990)

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  • 動作  犯罪  驚悚


  • Senator Vernon Trent: You can take that to the bank! Mason Storm: I'm gonna take you to the bank, Senator Trent. To the blood bank! Mason Storm: This is for my wife. Fuck you and die! [Storm fires a shot between the Senator's legs] Mason Storm: I missed! I never miss! They must have been smaller than I thought! Mason Storm: We're outgunned, and undermanned. But you know sumpin'? We're gonna win. You know why? Superior attitude. Superior state of mind. [Storm has just killed Capt. Hulland] Mason Storm: Now you're a good cop. Mason Storm: So, how come you're not watching the Oscars tonight? Counterman: The Oscars? Mason Storm: Yeah, the Oscars. Counterman: I hate the Oscars. Mason Storm: You're not having a good time, huh? Counterman: I mean, who needs the goddamn movies anyway? I got a show in here every single night. Mason Storm: Yeah? Counterman: You've got horror, sex, freaks, violence. I don't got to pay no four bucks either. [the convenience store counterman is being robbed at gunpoint] Counterman: [to Mason] Where's a goddamn cop when you need one? Felicia Storm: If people knew how sweet you are, they'd never be scared of you... I'm not scared of you. Mason Storm: Maybe you should be. Felicia Storm: There's blood on your shirt. Mason Storm: It's not my blood, so you don't have to worry, do you? [the owner of Mason Storm's former house enters a room where Storm has caused a mess] Mason Storm: I'm sorry, but your contractor's doing a lousy job. [a shotgun is pointed at Mason Storm] Shotgun Punk: What are you grinning at, huh? Mason Storm: Well, you know... there's only four of you guys, and... you only have one shot left in here. You know? Punk: I'm gonna cut your fucking heart out! Mason Storm: Yeah? Well, come and cut my heart out, okay? Come and cut my heart out! [Mason and Andy are packing up] Andy Stewart: Where are we going? Mason Storm: Out of here. [a knife-wielding punk wants to cut Mason, but Mason is holding a shotgun] Mason Storm: Oh, I know what you're thinking. Mine's bigger than yours, right? It's not fair. [Mason and Andy flee the house they were staying at] Andy Stewart: Oh, I forgot to lock the door. [Posing as a doctor, Axel searches for Storm in the hospital] Russ: Excuse me, doctor? Jack Axel: Yes? Russ: I have to check every one of these upper floors. Jack Axel: Of course. Russ: Can I just get your ID please? Jack Axel: You know, you can't have too much security. Capt. Dan Hulland: [to a detective] You know how they said Storm was superhuman. You know why? He was jacked up on coke the whole time. [O'Malley overhears Hulland, and angrily confronts him] Lt. Kevin O'Malley: Let me tell you something. That was the cleanest man I ever knew. He had more honor and guts than this whole department put together. If I ever hear you talk that puke again, I'll lose my shield to put you where you belong. Jack Axel: Sweet dreams. [kills Felicia Storm] Lt. Kevin O'Malley: Let me tell you something, Sonny... one day when this is all over, you, me, and your pop are going to rent us a fishing boat, and catch us the biggest fish that ever swam the seas. And I'm not talking goldfish, either. Sonny Storm: The last time I went fishing with Pop, we caught an old tire. Lt. Kevin O'Malley: [laughs] Not this time, Sonny. We're going to get us a big fat tuna. Mason Storm: What year is it? Andy Stewart: Try not to talk. Mason Storm: What year is it? Andy Stewart: It's [Danny sees Russ lying on the floor] Danny: Russ! Russ! What happened? Doc? Jack Axel: He's dead. [Storm has just attacked some of Trent's cohorts] Jack Axel: [sarcastically] I'm impressed. Mason Storm: [to Capt. Hulland] How does it feel to know you're about to die? [O'Malley and Hulland mistakenly believe that Mason Storm is dead] Lt. Kevin O'Malley: That was the most unstoppable son of a bitch I ever knew. Capt. Dan Hulland: Yeah, well... he got stopped tonight. Mason Storm: Who are you? Danny: My name is Danny. I'm the physical therapist. I'm going to give you a massage, take you down the hall, and make you feel all right, okay? Mason Storm: Get the fuck out of here. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : Okay, don't worry about anything. I'm just going to take you down the hall. Mason Storm: How do like this, Vernon? I'd like to kill you so bad I can barely contain myself. But I've been thinking, death is far too merciful a fate for you. So what I'm going to do is put you in prison. A nice petite white boy like you in a federal penitentiary... now let me just put it this way, I don't think you'll be able to remain anal-retentive for very long. [Kevin O'Malley and Sonny Storm encounter Nolan and Quentero at the train station] Nolan: What are you doing, you taking a trip somewhere? Lt. Kevin O'Malley: [pretends that Sonny is his son] Yeah... yeah, me and my kid are visiting my mother in New Mexico. Nolan: Oh, that's your son, huh? It's funny, you know he doesn't look much like you. Does he, Quentero? As a matter of fact, I think that I've seen his ugly face before. Max Quentero: Kind of looks like Mason Storm. Nolan: Yeah. Youth: [eyeing the shot-up Jeep Storm's driving] How hot is it, homes? Mason Storm: Smokin' Youth: You got it! [they switch vehicles] Sonny Storm: Who... who are you? Andy Stewart: That's a very long story. You got a few minutes? Andy Stewart: [to the comatose Mason Storm] Would you like a little pussy? [she places a kitten on his bed] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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