

  • Hercule Poirot: Madame Dainty, has it ever occurred to you to organize the goods by the country of origin? [Poirot has just pulled up in a cab outside and is waving his hands at the driver] Mary Cavendish: What on earth is he doing? Lieutenant Hastings: I think he's giving the driver a lesson. [Poirot is building a house of cards] Lieutenant Hastings: Is this your first time in London, Poirot? [Poirot does not answer] Lieutenant Hastings: Mrs. Inglethorpe must have been wealthy, with this beautiful house and Styles Court. [Poirot still does not answer] Lieutenant Hastings: Are you going to be doing that all day? Hercule Poirot: I steady my nerves, that is all. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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