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  • Cash Bailey: Música! and make it sweet, goddammit, or I'll shoot the band! Jack Benteen: I don't give up my gun without somebody gettin' hurt. Cash Bailey: You know, Jack. I got a feeling the next time we run into each other, we gonna have a killin'. Just a feeling. Sheriff Hank Pearson: The only time the Border Patrol wins hot pursuit is when they get laid. Sheriff Hank Pearson: Morning. Jack Benteen: [snaps] What's good about it!? Sheriff Hank Pearson: Well hell, I said "morning." I didn't say "good morning." Sgt. Larry McRose: You know, if we hit this bank in daylight, we're gonna need a big diversion. Maj. Paul Hackett: We'll blow something up. Sgt. Larry McRose: Yeah, like what? Maj. Paul Hackett: A building a barn, something. Sgt. Larry McRose: A school, a church, something. Maj. Paul Hackett: What, are you particular? Sgt. Larry McRose: Yeah, as a matter of fact I am. This *is* America, you know. Sgt. Declan Patrick Coker: Fucked up. We were supposed to be there to cover the spic, we fucked up. Luther was a friend of mine. Sgt. Buck Atwater: Yeah, well he was a friend of mine, too, man. But he's dead. And that's the way it goes when you're a soldier. You just bite the damn bullet and move on. Man, right now, we just gotta figure some way to get out of this place and get on with the damn mission. Sgt. Declan Patrick Coker: Yeah, the mission. Here we are space-aged, high tech, and we get caught by some stone-age cowboy. Sgt. Buck Atwater: Yeah, Texas Ranger, no less. Sgt. Charles Biddle: Man, why the fuck did the ops call for me to drive off and leave my buddy exposed? I was parked on his ass. I could've shot that motherfucker and *then* drove off. Sgt. Larry McRose: You did your job, Sergeant. The objective was secured. The whole thing went smooth until Fry got careless. He died stupid. Sgt. Charles Biddle: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Oh, come on, Larry! If Coker would've sneezed, he would've been late. The ops was too tight. Now you know that and I know that! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Sgt. Larry McRose: Yeah, and Fry knew it too! Sgt. Charles Biddle: Command is not supposed to put us in those kind of situations! Sgt. Larry McRose: Command *always* puts us in those situations! What the hell do you think we're here for?! Sgt. Charles Biddle: Yeah, it still don't change the fact that my buddy's in a body bag. And he ain't in Lebanon or Honduras. Fuckin' Texas. Jack Benteen: Once I see that Sarita's okay, we'll settle up. Cash Bailey: Why sure, that's only fair. What the hell. You think I want you worried about her when you ought to be concentratin' on killing me? Cash Bailey: I think we better have your gun, or else you don't get to see the love of your life. See, I wouldn't want you hooking up with her with a gun in your hand. Hell, you'd start acting real heroic, blaze away at all these terrible boys I got working for me. Shit, you'd turn it into the Alamo, Jack. Old Cash wouldn't want that. Jack Benteen: I always thought it was a bad habit giving up your gun. Cash Bailey: Alright. Forget Sarita. I'll go get my popper and we'll settle up right here and now. Jack Benteen: [tosses his pistol to Cash] You take real good care of that. Cash Bailey: Don't worry. You'll get it back in time for our little finish-up. You know me. I keep my promises. Jack Benteen: Oh hell, I always knew that, Cash. Problem with you is getting one out of you. Cash Bailey: It's a damn nice country here, I like it. A man can get away with anything, long as he just keeps paying his friends. Cash Bailey: [Jack and Cash pace off before shooting it out] One, two . . . Sarita Cisneros: Cash, no! Cash Bailey: Aw, shit! Look, honey, if you're gonna cry it just fucks it all up, lowers the whole tone. I mean, this ain't just dog shit we're doing, here. These are the two men you love laying in on the line! Sarita Cisneros: [to Jack] You are one fucked up gringo! Sheriff Hank Pearson: Hell, Jack... the only thing worse than a politician is a child molester. Jack Benteen: You know, Hank, the next thing, you're gonna be complaining about the state legislature making women a Ranger. You know that. Sheriff Hank Pearson: Hell, I don't care, as long as she's six-foot-six, mean as a snake. State legislature. Shit, Jack! Only thing worse than a politician is a child molester. Sgt. Buck Atwater: Dip me in shit and roll me in sugar, man! Sgt. Larry McRose: How you doin', you uncouth asshole? Sgt. Buck Atwater: Who you callin' uncouth, man? I'm couth as hell! Sgt. Charles Biddle: Jack Benteen. Texas Ranger. Sgt. Larry McRose: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Yeah, big son of a bitch, ain't he? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Maj. Paul Hackett: You thinking about taking him on? Sgt. Larry McRose: Might be fun. Always did hate cops. Maj. Paul Hackett: What do you have against cops? Sgt. Larry McRose: Once one hit me. Maj. Paul Hackett: And? Sgt. Larry McRose: He died. Sgt. Charles Biddle: You snuffed a cop? Sgt. Larry McRose: No, his mother-in-law backed over him by mistake in her LTD, which is why I like Fords. Cash Bailey: Aw hell, Jack. I know you're pissed, but this is me and you. We rode the river together. Now personally, I'd just be tickled pink if we could work out something save us both a world of grief. We ought to work together. You could be a hundred-thou a year man right now, and I'm the man that pays. Jack Benteen: You can buy me, Cash. Hell, you always could. But you can't buy the badge, and one without the other ain't no goddamn good. Cash Bailey: Well what the hell else are we gonna do, partner? Shoot each other? Jack Benteen: If it was me, Cash, I'd haul ass. Now that's what I'm telling you. You can haul ass, close up your shop, get out while the gettin's good. Now I'm offering you that. Cash Bailey: I tell you what I think, Jack. I think maybe I should just give more of my money to charity. Boy Scouts, United Fund, Houston Symphony Orchestra. And maybe you should stop tryin' to be a third generation Ranger with a spit-shine heart. Jack Benteen: Quit sellin' dope, Cash. Cash Bailey: You don't understand. They *want* it, Jack! They *like* the stuff! Sheriff Hank Pearson: You and damn Cash, huh? Christ! Look at him today, in that white suit and that Mexican he had dressed up like Pancho Villa's army. He's still damn play-acting like he was still a kid. Jack Benteen: Well, it's gone past that, Hank. Sheriff Hank Pearson: Funny, ain't it, how it comes around. Right way's the hardest, wrong way's the easiest. Rule of nature, like water seeks the path of least resistance. So you get crooked rivers, crooked men. Jack Benteen: I still like him. I'm still trying to count on my friend. Sheriff Hank Pearson: [chuckles] Smartest crooks always did know how to get to a man inside. Women too, as far as that goes. Sheriff Hank Pearson: You know, usually you could reason with a drunk, kids on loco weed, or a couple that was fightin'. You could cool 'em down, next day they'd thank you for it. Not now, boy. They get wired, they stay wired. Smack, snort, pill-poppin' dopes. You take them Luke boys, the one who drew on you and his brother Chub. Runnin' with scum. Christ, I used to fish with their dad! They were sweet kids. Not mad dogs, like they turned out to be, tryin' to bite you. Sheriff Hank Pearson: You ain't just gonna walk in there, are ya'? Jack Benteen: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Oh, hell, I've known Chub since the third grade. You were just telling me what a nice kid he used to be. I'm just gonna go in there and have a beer with him. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Sheriff Hank Pearson: Shit, sounds reasonable. Just sit down, talk to him about how you shot his brother night before last. Jack Benteen: You know why I'm here. Two people dead on Main Street. One of 'em just a kid. Almost killed a mother and her baby. Cash Bailey: Don't like it one bit myself, Jack. Nasty piece of business. I need enforcement by local authority, so that nothing like this will happen again. I need you, Jack. We could work together. [He paces] Cash Bailey: Hell, Jack, nothing would make me happier than to see you with a little grubstake of your own. Maybe a hundred thou a year, off the top? Jack Benteen: [He snorts derisively] I catch you in Benrey, Cash, you're dead. Hear? You cross that border, your ass is mine. Cash Bailey: [His eyes grow cold, his voice steely] Don't push me, FRIEND. You're on the wrong side of the river and your badge don't mean shit here. Jack Benteen: [He whips a gun from under his poncho and levels it, snarling] If I pull this trigger, you'll be bloody ribbons. Does THAT mean shit here? Cash Bailey: [after shooting his bookkeeper] Dammit! I liked Jose. I honest to God did like him! But the count came up short yesterday. Sgt. Buck Atwater: As long as I got a face, you got a place to sit! Sgt. Declan Patrick Coker: Get off my back, you ugly fat fuck! Sgt. Larry McRose: Very unusual... ordering the termination of an American civilian peace officer clearly loyal to the country and in the process of bringing a known criminal to justice. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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