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Rockers (2002)

  • 牙買加
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  • 喜劇  音樂
  • 片       名Rockers
  • 上映時間1980年06月27日(牙買加)
  • 導       演 Ted Bafalo...


  • Horsemouth: Just cool, man - me have money, man. Madgie: Cool? The youth them no ask you fe no food, man! Them ask *me* fe food! Horsemouth: I-man serve Selassie I continually. No matter what the weak heart say. And I know that I & I is like a tree, plant by the river of water, and not even the dog that piss against the wall of Babylon shall escape this judgment. For I & I know that all of the youth shall witness the day that Babylon shall fall! Joe Gibbs: Give you two-hundred of my record? I don't give record - I *sell* record! Jacob Miller: [brandishing a switchblade] Don't say nothing, y 'hear? Don't say nothing! The man eat up my food, man! Horsemouth: No, man! Jacob Miller: No, Rasta, Me no love that, man, me no love that! Me screw for that! You know, Rasta. Cho. I-man vex, Rasta. Horsemouth: Jah guide and protect I against all foe. Horsemouth: Give thanks, Higher. Higher: I-wah. Horsemouth: True Rasta. Higher: How the-I feeling now? Horsemouth: I-man feel I-ney now. Higher: You must feel upful some more. You will feel more upful within time. The man is advancing - him just survive. Horsemouth: True, true. Higher: I-rey. Within a time I and I can get a bath. Horsemouth: I like the-I to cook up some Ital, Rasta. Higher: The Ital scene is coverage. One need the Ital in ever'ting to survive. The Ital don't stop. So I and I forward within this time. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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