
風云英杰 (1968)

  • 美國
  • 片       名風云英杰
  • 上映時間1968年11月14日(美國)
  • 導       演 邁克爾·安德森


  • Cardinal Rinaldi: Do you accept election? [Kiril hesitates] Cardinal Rinaldi: You must answer now. Do you accept election? Kiril Lakota: I accept. And may God have mercy on me. Kiril Lakota: [the Soviet representative has just informed Kiril of the conditions of his release, namely that he keep his mouth shut about conditions in the USSR] I cannot accept these conditions. Piotr Ilyich Kamenev: They have been accepted for you. George Faber: The bell tolls. The Pope is dead. Listen to the bell. [Crossed himself. Cut to multiple shots of mourners in the streets of Rome] George Faber: This is the death knell that rings... only for the pontiff. Listen - there is a second bell. Soon they will be joined by other bells all over the city, all over every city, all over the world. The Pope is dead. Cardinal Rahamani: Revolution is in the air and we are not prepared for it. Our young priests are prepared. They are finding ways to live with change and make changes. Cardinal Leone: Yes. Sometimes they frighten me. American Cardinal: But why? They see injustice and want to correct it. Cardinal Leone: And they may make more through ignorance and inexperience. Cardinal Rahamani: Our friend Lakota here should be an expert on revolution. Kiril Lakota: [Chuckles] I am no expert. Cardinal Rahamani: But you have lived under a revolutionary regieme. Kiril Lakota: Well, that is not quite right. Marxism in Russia is very conservative. [Others chuckle] Kiril Lakota: Their revolution is for export now. [Others laugh] Kiril Lakota: Our problem is to match them with our own product. Cardinal Rahamani: Which is? Kiril Lakota: No, no. Please, please. I would rather listen. Cardinal Rahamani: No, we would like to here you. [Others agree] Kiril Lakota: We should manufacture the authentic Christian revolution. Work for all, bread for all, dignity for all men. Cardinal Leone: But without violence. Kiril Lakota: Well, excuse me, but violence is a reaction against a situation that has become intolerable, isn't it? Cardinal Leone: Oh? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Kiril Lakota 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : In the camps in Siberia we were starved and brualized. I stole. I stole some bread. I fed it crumb by crumb to a man whose jaw had been broken by a guard. I - I fought the guard to save my friend. I could have killed him. That was a terrifying experience. I, a biship, could have killed a man. Cardinal Rinaldi: So as a bishop you would give your approval to social disorder? Kiril Lakota: I might be forced to except it, as a price for social change, yes. Cardinal Rinaldi: You are walking a moral tightrope. Kiril Lakota: We all have to walk it. That is what we pay for being men. Cardinal Rinaldi: But what if you had killed the guard? [Everyone is listening for the response] Kiril Lakota: I don't know. I don't know, Eminence. I do know that we are in action in a brutal world. The children of God our are's to protect and if we have to fight. We fight. Cardinal Rinaldi: [standing before the cardinals in the conclave] My brothers. My brothers, we have already failed seven times to reach an election. I stand now to claim a right under canon law. In all humility, I proclaim to you my belief that there is among us a man already marked by God to sit in the chair of St. Peter. Like the first of the apostles this man has suffered prison stripes for the faith. The hand of God has led him out of bondage to join us in this conclave. I announce him as my candidate and dedicate to him my vote and my obedience. Kiril Cardinal Lakota. Kiril Lakota: [Stunned. Slowly rises] Thank you, Eminence. But I - I cannot consent to it. Cardinal Rahamani: [after a moment, rises] I too proclaim him. Asian Cardinal: [Rises] I also proclaim him. George Faber: It's the Russian. Kiril Lakota. They've elected a Russian Pope. Piotr Ilyich Kamenev: I took you to pieces like a watch. And put you together again. It was a very intimate experience. I have never been able to forget it. May I ask you a question? Kiril Lakota: You never hesitated before. Piotr Ilyich Kamenev: [Laughs] That is true. [Holds up a file] Piotr Ilyich Kamenev: This is you. Political prisoner 103592R, Kiril Pavlovich Lakota. All of you is here, from the day you were born until now. Except for the answer to one question. What have you learned in twenty years of confinement? Kiril Lakota: That is a bit question, Piotr Ilyich. Piotr Ilyich Kamenev: The answer is important to me, you know. Kiril Lakota: What I have learned? I have learned that without some kind of loving a man withers like a grape on a dying vine. Piotr Ilyich Kamenev: Is that all? Kiril Lakota: [Chuckles] I am trying to learn more. Piotr Ilyich Kamenev: Have you learned enough to face freedom? Kiril Lakota: [Long Pause] I have been free for a long time. Not entirely, perhaps. But you have not answered my question. Why have you brought me here? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : I want to show you a world gone mad. George Faber: Were you ill treated during your confinement? Kiril Lakota: Oh, not for a long time now. More recently I have been working in heavy industry. George Faber: To that extent, then, you did submit yourself to the system. Kiril Lakota: In so far, Mr. Faber, as any system provides bread, work and dignity I am prepared to cooperate with it. These things are good in themselves whether they exist in Rome or in Siberia. And bread, work, and dignity do exist in Siberia. George Faber: Were you permitted to practice your ministry as a priest? Kiril Lakota: No, I - I practiced it without permission among my fellow prisoners. George Faber: Do you see any hope then for the day when Christian faith, or more specifically the Roman Catholic faith, may be practicsed freely in Marxist countries? Kiril Lakota: I have no inside information as to how the Kingdom of God is going to be established. The Elder Pope: There is a legend about you. That once you were asked to deny the faith, and they tied up seven priests and shot them, shot them before your eyes. And still you would not deny the faith. Is that story true? Kiril Lakota: I try not to look back on that, or other days, Holiness. The Elder Pope: God is with you, my Brother. I believe that God has sent you. Trust us to make the best use of you. But first, you must be honored. [Hold up the red cap of a cardinal] The Elder Pope: Kneel. [Lakota kneels] The Elder Pope: You are created cardinal-priest in the title of Saint Athanasius. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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