
A Gathering of Eagles (1963)

  • 美國
A Gathering of Eagles
  • 片       名A Gathering of ...
  • 上映時間1963年06月21日(美國)
  • 導       演 德爾伯特·曼


  • Sgt. Banning: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Well, sir, I used to be a pretty slow "walker" myself. I mean, you really had to build a fire under my tail to get me to move. And then one day, General Hewett came to talk to us. And he built one hell of a fire. Only he didn't build it under my tail - he built a fire inside of me. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Col. Jim Caldwell: Sergeant, if I'm reading you right, you think I've been building the wrong kind of fires around here. Sgt. Banning: Sir, that's really not for me to judge. Gen. Aymes: I just wonder whether your timing is right. Col. Jim Caldwell: Why? Because of the ORI? Gen. Aymes: Because it might appear that you have personal reasons for dismissing Hollis Farr. Col. Jim Caldwell: What kind of personal reasons? Gen. Aymes: There's been talk, Jim. About Hollis and your wife. Col. Jim Caldwell: Great. Even the grapevine is below par. I can't run a wing on what people think. I want him out of here. Col. Hollis Farr: But what about this transfer request? Col. Jim Caldwell: I never saw it. Col. Hollis Farr: Aw, come on, Jim! If you hold this up, he'll only go to the Inspector General. Why go out on a limb? Col. Jim Caldwell: Out on a limb!? How do you think I've been living since the time I got here? What's wrong with going out on a limb? Col. Hollis Farr: I'm just saying that... Col. Jim Caldwell: You leave this one with me. And if anyone saws off that limb it'll be my neck, not yours! Col. Jim Caldwell: It's been one big happy family, hasn't it? The fishing's good in Grant's Pass? Tell Hollis Farr; he'll OK a leave! You don't like the seven-day alert? Tell Hollis Farr; he aims to please! He's not out on any limb; no sir! Let the wing commander take the heat! Hang on as vice-commander until something cushier turns up - and whatever you do, don't ever get into a spot where somebody can turn the heat on you. Well, it's about time somebody did. And if you can't stand the heat, then the least you can do is get out of the kitchen. [turns to leave his office] Col. Hollis Farr: [shoves the door closed with the palm of his hand] When you first came here, I told you that you didn't have enough heel in you to be a wing commander. You've got enough for the entire Air Force! Gen. 'Happy Jack' Kirby: Col. Farr, are you aware of the peacetime regulation against sending an aircraft up without full power? Col. Hollis Farr: Yes, sir, but... Col. Jim Caldwell: We're simulating wartime conditions. I would have made the same decision. Gen. 'Happy Jack' Kirby: [scratches one cheek, then the other] So would I. And I'm not going to count that as an abort. [cracks a smile and exits] Col. Jim Caldwell: You could have called me before you sent Linke up. Col. Hollis Farr: Yes, I could. Col. Jim Caldwell: So how does it feel, up on that "limb"? Col. Hollis Farr: Kind of... breezy. Col. Jim Caldwell: It sure does. Stick with it, pal! And you might even learn to like it! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Col. Hollis Farr 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : [Singing "The SAC Song" by Tom Lehrer] Here at SAC we're filled with pride There's just one thing we can't decide Which we'd rather be clobbered by-- An enemy attack or ORI! Our wing commander's got a racket, But sometimes it's hard to hack it, Whenever he gets his wife alone, Ding-a-ling-aling goes the little red phone! Oh we start a seven day alert, For a week we will not see a skirt, But we know it's part of SAC's main goal, To test our positive control! Absence makes the heart grow fonder, Whatever became of the Wild Blue Yonder? How we wish the good old days were back-- at SAC! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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