
酒綠花紅 (1957)

  • 美國
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  • 經典  愛情


  • Linda English: I'm never drinking again. Joey Evans: First hangover? Linda English: Why does it feel so bad? Joey Evans: It only feels so bad in the morning cause it feels so good the night before. Linda English: My mother always says a lady's a lady wherever she goes Joey Evans: And a bum's a bum wherever he goes. Vera Simpson: Me and Joey are the same type of cat, we understand each other. Vera Simpson: Who's she? Joey Evans: She's just a mouse. Joey Evans: Good Morning! Linda English: What's good about it? Joey Evans: First hangover? Well, there's a first time for everything. Linda English: Why do people drink when you feel so awful the morning after? Joey Evans: Maybe because it feels so good the night before. Linda English: What did I do last night? Joey Evans: You kissed me. Linda English: I wasn't myself. Joey Evans: Whoever you were, you were great! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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