
好天氣 (1955)

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  • Kid Mariacchi: Where do you have to go? Ted Riley: Tim's Bar on Third Avenue. It's a long way from here. Kid Mariacchi: You're nuts. It's ten minutes. Ted Riley: No, it's ten years. Madeline Bradville: We had something so wonderful, a totally reformed drunkard who was going to tell us his inspiring story. Jackie Leighton: Yes, but he got drunk. Ted Riley: Look lady, if you'll excuse, you don't have to hang around with me all evening. I wish I didn't have to hang around with myself. Doug Hallerton: There must be some more dignified way to sell Klenzrite... like you, taking a bath in it, stark naked in Macy's window. Doug Hallerton: Somebody stole my moustache. Fielding, I want that moustache returned, every hair in place. Jackie Leighton: But, Ted, aren't you in terrible danger? Ted Riley: Yeah. Yeah, I'm in terrible danger. I'm in danger of believing that look on your face. Ted Riley: I'm mixed up with some of the shadiest characters in town. As a matter of fact, knowing the inspiring and uplifting work you do on this program, I - I feel terrible showing my face in decent homes across the country. Boys, don't be like me. Live clean. Use Klenzrite. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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