
潘多拉和飛翔的荷蘭人 (1951)

  • 英國
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  • 災難  愛情


  • Judge: I pity you not MY doom, but GOD'S! Geoffrey Fielding: The measure of love is what one is willing to give up for it. Hendrik: [after saying there is no such thing as a faithful woman] If this be folly, and upon me proved, then let the Divinity which I reject, make what sport He will of my immortal soul! Geoffrey Fielding: To understand one human soul is like trying to empty the sea with a cup. Geoffrey Fielding: [about Pandora and the Dutchman] I know now that they were in love. But I have a feeling that they never spoke of it. Pandora Reynolds: [looking at Hendrik's painting of her] It's not like I am at all. But it's who I'd like to be. [looking at Hendrik] Pandora Reynolds: Why am I not like that? Hendrik: Perhaps you haven't found what you want yet, perhaps you're unfulfilled. Perhaps you don't even know what you want, perhaps you're discontented. Discontentment often finds vent through malice and destruction. Pandora Reynolds: [suddenly angry] Malice and destruction, is that what you think? Well perhaps I can find something here to destroy. Hendrik: I'm quite certain you will. Pandora Reynolds: Your painting of me perhaps. Would you like me to destroy your painting? Hendrik: [calmly] If it would help to quiet your soul. Pandora Reynolds: How long have you worked on it? Hendrik: [still perfectly calm] Does it matter? Pandora Reynolds: [picks up a palette knife] Shall I do it then? Hendrik: By all means. Pandora Reynolds: [Pandora uses the knife to scratch out the face of the painted Pandora. Hendrik watches then calmly and wordlessly comes over to inspect the damage] [stunned by his calmness] Pandora Reynolds: Aren't you angry? Hendrik: I was angry once before. I can never be angry again. Pandora Reynolds: [pause, then quietly] You've made me feel quite ashamed of myself. It's a new emotion, I'm not sure I like it. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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