
湖上艷尸 (1947)

  • 美國
  • |
  • 犯罪  
  • 片       名湖上艷尸
  • 上映時間1947年01月23日(美國)
  • 導       演 羅伯特.蒙哥馬利


  • Adrienne: Do you fall in love with all of your clients? Marlowe: Only the ones in skirts. Adrienne Fromsett: People who write usually don't know the facts, and people who know the facts usually can't write. Authenticity has very little to do with it. If people who read our magazines knew the facts of life, they wouldn't be reading our magazines. Adrienne Fromsett: We get hundreds of submissions every week. Philip Marlowe: Why don't you print a few? Adrienne Fromsett: [to Marlowe] Perhaps you'd better go home and play with your fingerprint collection. Adrienne Fromsett: [on Marlowe's submission] I plan to slash the emotion right out of that story. Lt. DeGarmot: [learns Marlowe is writing fiction] What are you trying to do, elevate yourself? Derris Kingsby: Mr. Marlowe, may I speak to you? Philip Marlowe: Why not? Everybody's been speaking to me. Derris Kingsby: You want the facts, don't you? Philip Marlowe: When it comes to women, does anybody really want the facts? Reporter: [on the Press Room telephone, to his girl] Who can afford Palm Springs? What's the matter with Anaheim? Adrienne Fromsett: [Marlowe's story] That wasn't for nothing. Philip Marlowe: No, it was for five hundred bucks, and you got a little piece of my soul, along with my services. Adrienne Fromsett: [to Marlowe] I want to be your girl, that's what I want for Christmas. Adrienne Fromsett: [reminiscing on her early career, to Marlowe] If all the malted milks I served were laid end to end... Adrienne Fromsett: [Adrienne pitches Marlowe's story to publisher Derace Kingsby] And [Marlowe's] Adrienne Fromsett: a very well known private detective. That's what makes the stuff so authentic. So full of life and vigor and heart. So full of... what would you say it was full of, Mr. Marlowe? Philip Marlowe: Short sentences. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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