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  • Captain Fritz von Tarlenheim: Fate doesn't always make the right men kings. Rupert of Hentzau: I see you want to let the drawbridge down. I just killed a man for that. Rudolph Rassendyll: An unarmed man, of course. Rupert of Hentzau: Of course! Rupert of Hentzau: Someone once called fidelity a fading woman's greatest defense and a charming woman's greatest hypocracy. And you're very charming. And Michael's very busy and likely to be more so. Rupert of Hentzau: Touché, Rassendyll! I cannot get used to fighting furniture - where did you learn it? Rudolph Rassendyll: That all goes with the old school tie. Rupert of Hentzau: Well, then, here's your last fencing lesson. Look out for your head. [during his sword fight with Rupert, Rudolph "retreats" towards the drawbridge's controls] Rupert of Hentzau: You'd be a sensation in a circus. I can't understand it. Where did you learn such roller skating? Rudolph Rassendyll: Coldstream Guards, my boy. Come on now, when does the fencing lesson begin? Rupert of Hentzau: Stand still and fight, you coward! Rupert of Hentzau: Why don't you let me kill you quietly? Rudolph Rassendyll: Oh, a little noise adds a touch of cheer. You notice I'm getting closer to the drawbridge rope? Rupert of Hentzau: You're so fond of rope, it's a pity to finish you off with steel. What did they teach you on the playing fields of Eton? Puss in the corner? Rudolph Rassendyll: Oh, chiefly not throwing knives at other people's backs. Rudolph Rassendyll: [preparing to leave after the coronation to recover the real king] In a couple of hours, I'll just be plain Rudolph Rassendyll. Col. Zapt: You'll be lucky if you're not the late Rudolph Rassendyll. Col. Zapt: [trying to explain his loyalty to the King, who mistreats him] Rudolf is my King, and I have a feeling about my King. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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