
Kaante (2002)

  • 印度
  • |
  • 犯罪
  • 片       名Kaante
  • 上映時間2002年12月20日(美國)
  • 導       演 Sanjay Gup...


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  • [in the police station] McQuarrie's partner: [in Hindi] Where were you last night? Ajju: [Looks at McQuarrie] With his wife. Ajju: Why are you looking at each other like this? Yashvardhan Rampal 'Major': [Speaking to Ajju] Who gave you the passport to come here. Jay Rehan 'Ajju': [to Major in Hindi] Will you only bark or will you bite? Ajju: If I put this bomb on your head... what's gonna blow first? The bomb or your head? Raj Yadav 'Baali': The bomb... no... the head can also blow first... its a very tough question... you tell me... what will blow first? Ajju: Neither the bomb nor the head... first of all your balls will blow! McQuarrie's partner: About the robbery, Tell us whatever you know about this... Yashvardhan Rampal 'Major': I'll tell what I know and what I do know is that you've made a very very big mistake by bringing me here Yashvardhan Rampal 'Major': Plan's changed.... all of you put your cellphones on the table... we are going to rob the bank tomorrow... not the day after... Maqbool Haider 'Mak': Smart move Major! You're doing this so none of us can cheat on you... Anand Mathur 'Andy': So what do we do tonight? Yashvardhan Rampal 'Major': Tonight? We're gonna dance, sing, drink... what else? Raj Yadav 'Baali': *Picks up the mobile* I will get some hot chics arranged right now! Yashvardhan Rampal 'Major': Put the phone down Bali! Jay Rehan 'Ajju': [To the bodyguard in English] You know what this is brother? Its a gun... with bullets! Goes in real small... comes out real big Marc Issak: *Shocked* So this gentleman also speaks english, huh? Jay Rehan 'Ajju': Sometimes, I guess Marc Issak: Man... seen so many bastards, but not one like you! Yashvardhan Rampal 'Major': [To Ajju] Who in the blue hell gave you a passport? Jay Rehan 'Ajju': Baali's mom! Yashvardhan Rampal 'Major': [Major looks at Baali] Raj Yadav 'Baali': She's been w... working in a passport office since childhood only! Maqbool Haider 'Mak': So there we were... all of us laughing our hearts out... not knowing that somewhere in the dark, Death too was laughing back at us! Anand Mathur 'Andy': I'm sorry Major but I can't pay... [About to Leave] Yashvardhan Rampal 'Major': Wait... you're a software engineer and the Bank has a security password which needs to be cracked... so we need you anyways... Raj Yadav 'Baali': 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • B..but w...why do we need him to crack the password? Marc is our Tarzan... he will crack everything we need to get cracked 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Marc Issak: Forget it Major... why are you explaining the situation to him [Baali] Marc Issak: ? He doesn't even know the difference between a software and an underwear! Yashvardhan Rampal 'Major': Mak did the right thing by shooting Baali... Baali was mentally unstable Jay Rehan 'Ajju': Major I agree Baali was mentally unstable but he also wanted to KILL a cop, not save a cop... who saved the cop??? He [Mac] Jay Rehan 'Ajju': did! Jay Rehan 'Ajju': Who killed him [Baali] Jay Rehan 'Ajju': ? Maqbool Haider 'Mak': I did... he was going to kill the cop... Jay Rehan 'Ajju': So you killed Baali instead? Maqbool Haider 'Mak': But how could we let him kill a cop? Jay Rehan 'Ajju': Why couldn't we let him this bastard? I'll show you how you kill a cop... Watch [Kills MacQuarrie] Det. MacQuarrie: You are all dead... because one of you... is a COP! Jay Rehan 'Ajju': Why are you all standing still? What did he say?? Is anyone going to tell me what did he say??? Raj Yadav 'Baali': He said... that one of us... is a cop! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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