
"Holby City" (1999)

  • 英國
  • 又       名"Holby City"


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  • Zubin Khan: For the first time ever, the NHS has more managers than beds. Did you know that? Helen Grant: Your point? Zubin Khan: I've got a rather revolutionary idea. You can take it to your next Trust meeting if you like. Get the managers down on all-fours, throw blankets over them - and hey presto! Ric Griffin: [to Helen Grant] People management. Not really your forté, is it? Connie Beauchamp: Unless Tom Campbell-Gore is wearing my skirt and heels, I'm in charge here. Mark Williams: The drinks are on me. Chrissie Williams: Who do you think you are? The Milky Bar Kid? Connie Beauchamp: Do you get altitude sickness? Will Curtis: What? Connie Beauchamp: From your moral high ground. Rosie Sattar: I'm There's something I'm missing. Oh, yeah, a baby. Pass me the yellow pages. [Will and Mubbs are carrying out an operation that Connie has specifically ordered them not to carry out] Will Curtis: We need to get through this as quickly as possible - every minute on the table is putting an extra strain on her heart. Mubbs Hussein: It's not something I can rush. If I deliver too much fluid or too quickly it may cause the placenta to detach. Will Curtis: It's Connie detaching my testicles that I'm concerned about. Zubin Khan: Mrs Beauchamp, I have to admit that you have the leadership skills of an eight-year-old with a Kalashnikov. [gossiping about Connie] Lisa Fox: Her husband's just been made chairman of the board. Donna Jackson: Husband? I thought they just plugged her into the mains at the end of each day. [to Matt who has just terrified a patient by using lots of incomprehensible medical terms when she asked "What's wrong with me"] Zubin Khan: Next time you go anywhere near a reference book, look up the term "layman". [to Matt, after a patient has disappeared from her bed to give herself a fix of morphine] Lola Griffin: Matthew... Ever played Hunt-the-Patient? [repeated line] Lola Griffin: As my late lamented grandmother used to say... Lola Griffin: As my grandma used to say, "If you look for a peck of trouble, don't gripe when you find a bushel." Ric Griffin: [sarcastically] As ever, your grandma's wisdom astounds me. Lola Griffin: As Grandma used to say, "All mouth and no trousers makes Jack a dull boy". Ric Griffin: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Is it possible your grandma was a little confused? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • [reading patients' comment cards in the family-planning clinic] Mickie Hendrie: [smirking] We've got some really good comments. Donna Jackson: "I never knew you could get free condoms here. Now I won't have to re-use my old ones." How gross is that? Connie Beauchamp: And if you ever speak to me like that again, I'll make sure the closest theatre you get to is a box office. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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