

  • Maggie's Boyfriend: [while having sex] Oh, come on love, you're like a dead horse, put a bit of minge round it! Share this quote Andy Millman: What's happening with my script? Darren Lamb: What script? Andy Millman: [rolls eyes] The script I gave you two months ago. Darren Lamb: Is it funny? Andy Millman: You haven't read it? Darren Lamb: What's it called? Andy Millman: "When the Whistle Blows". Darren Lamb: [writing] "When the W Blows". Andy Millman: Don't just write "W" you'll forget what the W stands for. Darren Lamb: "When the Wind Blows". Andy Millman: "Whistle"! Darren Lamb: Got it. [writing] Darren Lamb: "W" equals "Wind". Andy Millman: "Whistle"! Darren Lamb: [writing] "When the Whistle Blows". Andy Millman: So that's done, I can forget about that, I've got my best man on it. Just make sure the phone's plugged in. Darren Lamb: You joke about it, it was uplugged for two days... no one noticed. Share this quote 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請(qǐng)手動(dòng)復(fù)制
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