

  • advertisement [repeated line] Tobi: Wie samma [How are we?] Tobi: Guad samma! [We're great!] Tobi: Well, when you and Sandra and me and Anke, everything between us gonna change, won't it? Achim: Bullshit, nothing's gonna change. We're still friends, aren't we? Leo: [to Malte] Does anything else beside sex count for you? Leo: [to Tobi] Why don't you stay? [pauses] Leo: I would be very pleased! Tobi: How was it for you? Leo: Well, not so easy... Tobi: But it keeps getting better, doesn't it? Leo: [pauses] I don't know. But if you keep hiding forever, one day you might lose yourself completely. Tobi: [Anke tries to seduce him but he interrupts her] S-sorry, I can't. Anke: Tobi, what is it? Is it my fault? Tobi: No. [pauses] Tobi: I'm in love. Anke: Who is it? Do I know her? Tobi: No. I mean, yes. I mean, no. Anke: But it's not Sandra, is it? Tobi: No. [pauses] Tobi: It's not a girl. Anke: [shocked, almost whispering] Achim? Boy: Look, Martin has an Ernie and Bert sleeping bag. [first lines] Tobi: She said, I don't mind! Achim: Those very words. Now chill, I have to keep at Boy: That thing in the bushes. I was choking the chicken. Girl: You must be crazy! [last lines] Bus Driver: Bye. Take care. Leo: If you hide your whole life, you'll forget who you even are. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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