

  • Gus: Clark, could you not pick your nose in front of me? Clark: I'm not picking, I'm scratching. Gus: Scratching what? Your brain? Clark: Yeah, 'cause it's huge. Clark: [where someone has recently farted] Oh! I love beef stew! Howie: For years I thought the sun was a monster. But I am here to tell you that it's not a monster! IT'S NOT A MONSTER! [cries] Richie: He just did that steroid free! Clark: What's steroids? Richie: Something that makes your 'pee-pee' smaller. Clark: Ohh... there must be steroids in macaroni! Gus: I think this is a sign that you should get a car. Clark: My mom said I should hold off on getting my license for another year. [Extends arms forward and then retracts] Clark: She wants to make sure my reflexes are fully developed. Howie: I used to think the sun was evil but now I know it's not. Wayne: How's the moon treating you. Howie: Not a fan. Clark: Is bad ass one or two words? Howie: What's going all the way? Wayne: [whispers in Howie's ear] Howie: Oh. [squeezes suntan lotion and screams] Howie: Aaaaaah! Clark: Shut up, Number 7! Number 7 Robot: You shut up! Clark: I'll kill you! Old Man: I smell cinnamon rolls. Brad: You guys think you're athletes now? Richie: Haha that's funny I didn't know ath-e-letes had three syllables... thats ama-za-zaing. Richie: Are you guys ready to scr-mi-mimage? Kyle: I'm gonna call the cops! Clark: We are cops!... We're navy seals! Kyle: Navy seals aren't cops! Troy: Aren't you our paperboy? Clark: ...I'm undercover 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Gus 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : My wife is the only one who gets to twist these man titties. Kyle: Time to meet your makers! Clark: Makers of what? POOP? Mel: If you build it, nerds will come. [From Trailer] Clark: I got a new text message... my mom says we're having macaroni for dinner sweet! Mel: Keep it under a billion, that's all I got... on me hahaha. Wayne: Is that beer? Carlos: [stumbling] No it's Gatorade homie, get out of my way. Richie: [repeated line] I love... salad. Howie: Richie told me about the serial killers thats loose in in our neighborhood killing anyone named Howie! THAT'S MY NAME! That's my name! Mel: Howie, you're a freak. Mel: Have you even known the joys of having children? Richie: Never had a date. Clark: Never talked to a girl. Richie: [after Gus hits a homerun] Wow and he did it without steroids. Clark: What's steroids? Richie: Something that makes your pee-pee smaller. Clark: There must be steroids in macaroni! Marcus Ellwood: Do you still think I look like Yoda? Gus: No. Marcus Ellwood: But Yoda's my favorite! You're a bad, bad man! Richie: Clark, we don't play baseball. Clark: I told Gus that we would be there, and if we don't show up, that makes me a liar... and that's not what I'm about... Not now, NOT EVER! Little Boy: Leave our field or you will suffer the consequences! Richie: What is this, "children of the corn"? Troy: Listen, we have a game tomorrow, and there's only one field to practice on - so, beat it! [pushes Nelson] Richie: [after hitting the ball] I ticked it, it hit the bat! Charlie Catcher: You're ssstill out. Richie: You're ssstill fat! Gretchen Peterson: Move your ass Richie! Gus: [to Nelson] Hey. Are you the kid who got farted on earlier? Mel: Yes. This is my son Nelson. He's become quite the fart magnet for the neighborhood bullies. Nelson: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • I also get a healthy smear of animal turds twice daily. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Clark: When I was your age, Fairy Jerry dumped a bucket of dog poop on me. Nelson: His son just did that to me last week. [looking at Mel's Pontiac Firebird Trans Am] Clark: This car is so radical. Looks just like K.I.T.T. from the show Knight Rider. Mel: It is K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider. Watch this. [Mel activates the car with his watch] K.I.T.T.: Allow me to introduce myself. I'm K.I.T.T. Richie: [to Mel] Who are you? Mel: Oh, I'm just once of those nerds who grew up... to make billions. Gus: Nice meeting you, Fairy Jerry. Jerry: What was that? Gus: Well, you gave Clark and Richie nicknames. I thought I'd give you one: Fairy Jerry. Jerry: Oh, really? Gus: [stands up from chair] Really. Jerry: Okay, Gus- Gus... Gus Bus! That's you, Gus Bus! Gus: Oh, that was a brutal comeback. Come on guys, let's go. I don't think I can ever get over that one. Whew! Richie: Yeah, I bet you're a real good catcher... of donuts in your mouth. Clark: That nerd makes me look like Rambo. Richie: No. Clark: John Stamos? Richie: Warmer. Clark: [a ball hits Richie in the head] Duuuuhhhr! Richie: You just lost your membership at video world! Clark: Dang it! Carlos: Looks like the Gus Bus is out of gas. Gus: [upon seeing Carlos enter] Hey, what's going on here? How come he's playing? Wayne: Oh, ah, I couldn't play him before because he was feeling ill. Carlos: Me tummy, es sicko. Umpire: Well you got proof he's a kid? Gus: Come on! Look at his beard. He's Wayne: Not according to birth certifico. [hands umpire the crumpled up paper he saw earlier] Umpire: [looks inside and sees 'I am 12' written in green crayon, with a picture of Carlos and $ He carefully pockets the $10 and folds the paper back up] He's got documentation. Play ball! Howie: [quivering] Carlos? Carlos: Who say my name? Howie: [gives him 2 packs of beer and a tequila] I brought you a present from the Benchwarmers. You're really good at baseball. Carlos: [happy] Thank you Albino. [bold] Carlos: Now get lost! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Howie: [cowers away screeching] [after purosely stomping on Gus's hand] Carlos: Sorry. It was accident. [lifts foot off Gus's hand] [seeing three Howie's thru his blurred vision] Carlos: Look at all those Albinos. Carlos: No really, I need another refill. Wayne: You need to go to an AA meeting. [Carlos is drinking a tequilla while pitching] Carlos: Maria? Why did you leave me? Mel: Letting that 12 year old drink like that is disgusting. Richie: Dude. You smell like beer. Carlos: You look like beer. [last lines] Mel: This was a total waste of time, wasn't it? Gus: Yeah. Clark: We could still win this thing. Richie: Wha-how? Clark: If we use the force. Richie: Let's try not to be too geeky, Clark. Clark: The Force is powerful, my young padawan. Howie: He's right. It is. Gus: You've never had apple pie? Clark: My mom said it would give me dierria. Gus: So, you haven't at least tried it once? Clark: Dierria? Gus: No, baseball. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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