
欺騙萬歲 (2003)

  • 美國
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  • 喜劇  勵志
  • 片       名欺騙萬歲
  • 上映時間2003年10月26日(美國)
  • 導       演 Joe DeVito


  • Bam Margera: Merry Christmas, ya little yerks! Bam's Uncle: What are you? Retarded or something? Bam's Uncle: Do you wanna die or do ya wanna live? Live or die? Bam Margera: Don't be a pussy Phil. [from the opening creditd] Announcer: Bam Margera. What will he do next? Bam Margera: Whatever the fuck I want. Bam Margera: What country are we in? Bam's Uncle: Switzer-Land Bam. Bam Margera: And what are ya wearing? Bam's Uncle: The Liederhosen you gave me. Bam Margera: Looks like we're ready for Monaco. Ready to go outside? Bam's Uncle: Yeah Bam I just wanna go to the beach. Bam Margera: Do you know the rules of Monaco? Bam's Uncle: Naw they got stupid rules... Bam Margera: You cant talk loud. Bam's Uncle: ...itza stupid kazixta stupid country, datzall i know. Bam Margera: -whispering- Whisper. Bam's Uncle: Whisper What? Bam Margera: -whispering- Whisper, Shhhhh. Bam's Uncle: What whisper then we'll get outta this town, and I can get outta this suit if I whisper? Bam Margera: -whispering- Yes whisper. Bam's Uncle: -whispering- I'll whisper lets go... I hate Monaco... Pistachio... Pistachio. Bam's Crew: How are we going to spot 'em? Bam's Crew: Are you kidding? We're looking for Phil. He's not too hard to pick out. Bam's Crew: He's like the size of three Frenchmen! Bam Margera: Is that all you do is bitch? Bam's Mom: I bitch because you're my*son*! Bam's Mom: Bam! Your friends just buried my car in snow! Bam Margera: They're not my friends. Tim O'Conner: [while in France] Don't look American! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Bam's Dad 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : What the hell are you doing here? Oderus: I couldn't sleep upstairs, it frightens me! Bam's Dad: But your friends are there, doesn't that make you... Oderus: [shouts] They're not my friends! Bam's Mom: Oh, my God! This is just like the Exorcist. Tim O'Conner: [Repeated] Oh, my God! Bam Margera: Where are you going? Bam's Mom: Paris. I've been telling you guys for three weeks! We're going for our anniversary Bam's Crew: I wasn't listening Bam Margera: Neither was I Bam's Dad: [after April kisses Bam goodbye] If she kisses you, I can kiss you. I hope you know that. Bye Bye. [Tries to kiss Bam] Bam Margera: Ew! Get away! Bam's Dad: When she kisses I kiss Bam's Crew: This guy's not even in France yet, and already he's acting all weird Bam's Crew: H.R Kissnshit! Bam's Uncle: [Repeated] Yo! Bam's Uncle: I wanna get leaning leaning tower of pizza and I'll be happy Bam Margera: The Leaning Tower of what? Bam's Uncle: Pizza Bam Margera: Spell It Bam's Uncle: P-I-Z-Z-A. Pizza. It's like a spelling bee you know. Pizza. Bam Margera: Vito the whole world is laughing at you right now Bam's Uncle: No they're not Bam. That's how you spell pizza. P-I-Z-Z-A. Bam Margera: Yeah, that's how you spell "pizza" it's not The Leaning Tower of pizza, jackass! Bam's Uncle: That's where it came from, Bam, Italy. You don't know nothing abou Italy. Bam Margera: [Hangs head laughing] Bam's Uncle: Italy's shaped like a boot for a reason... so they can stick it up your ass. Bam's Uncle: [In Pisa, Italy] The whole goddamn city is named after pizza Bam Margera: It's Pisa Bam Margera: Yeah, but that's "pizza" in Italian Himself - Bam's Crew: [after he trash a bakery and April tells him off] You're insane! Tow-truck Driver: Shut the truck off! Himself - Bam's Crew: "Shut the fuck up"? Bam's Crew: [after putting frogs in Bam's tent] I guess he didn't find his prince. Maybe he should have kissed one. Police Officer: Don't do anything stupid Bam Margera: I wasn't planning on it 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Police Officer: Good... 'cause I'll arrest your ass! Himself - Bam's Crew: It's fucking called Gobbler's Knob? Hey, Rake it's your favourite place. Bam's Crew: [Sitting in bath full of cocoa and marshmellows] This is kind of nice Bam's Dad: Turned out alright didn't it? Bam's Crew: Yeah Bam's Dad: It's comfortable in here! Bam's Mom: [after Bam and friends fill April's car with snow] I'm gonna have to call a cab Bam Margera: There is no cab companies in West Chester Bam's Mom: I'm gonna call the Purple Cab Company Bam's Crew: I've never heard of Purple Cab. There's only Rainbow Cab. Bam's Mom: [Few moments later April drives up the drive in Bam's purple Lambo] -in mocking tone- "There's no Purple Cab company" Bam Margera: [Everybody laughing] Get out of that! Bam Margera: [Bam chases the car for a moment as April drives away] I was gonna throw a snowball at it but then I remembered it was mine! Bam Margera: Dico, you coming to Mexico? Himself - Bam's Crew: No, all the video games suck ther. What am I gonna play, Outre Kombat? El Street Fight Grande? Bam Margera: Well if Bran and Rake aren't going then I gotta call my friends, The Dudesons! Bam's Crew: That one guy doesn't shut the hell up. Please don't call! Jarpi: [Jarpi is jabbering away in Finnish] Bam Margera: He just said every Finnish word in the fucking dictionary in a matter of five minutes Bam Margera: [turns to Jarpi] All right. All right, enough. No more Finland talk! Colin Morrison: [drives his bike through a glass door in the house] Bam's Mom: Am I the only normal one here? Bam's Uncle: No, Ape, I'm normal. Bam's Mom: Oh, God! You're so not normal! Himself - Bam's Crew: There's a filthy virus that grows in this room, and it's called lying-itis! Himself - Bam's Crew: And I didn't take it, because a man with no hair couldn't take it possibly! George Ex CIA opperative: Friend, you ever have a polygraph before? Brandon Novak: Yes George Ex CIA opperative: Did you? How'd you do? Really good, I bet. Brandon Novak: Uh... I got six months. [everybody laughs] Himself - Bam's Crew: Have you ever had a boyfriend? Bam's Crew: No 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • [polygraph machine says he is lying] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Himself - Bam's Crew: Hey, Lady, do you like my surveillance table? It's the damndest. Himself - Bam's Crew: Veal Scaloppini rhymes with Lamborghini. And they're both Italian! Jimmy Pop: [talking to Bam about polygraph machines] Oh, come on. Those don't work. Can I kiss you? Jimmy Pop: Have you ever tried calling you? I called you like 17 times. And I even left messages, and I even say dirty things on it to think that will make you mad and all fired up, and you'll call me. Jared 'Evil' Hasselhoff: Don't worry. We can fix this. My dad's a tv repairman. He's got the ultimate set of tools. Bam Margera: Row your boat! Bam's Uncle: Row my boat where? Gently down the stream? Bam's Crew: We just had to carry with fat Vito... Bam's Crew: [kisses Raab] Bam's Crew: That makes it all better Oderus: [shouts] Where is Bam Bam? [after Vito made Bams Hummer drive off that cliff thing] Bam Margera: Vito... I'm proud of you! You thought this all through! Bam's Uncle: Best Germany ever. Bam Margera: I took H.I.M.'s tour bus! Bam's Uncle: I'm gonna kill your plane, you watch! Johnny Knoxville: Jesus, That's... That is so hateful...! Bam's Uncle: Come near me again, I'll kill ya. Himself - Bam's Crew: Don Vito is so fat, his blood consists of mayonnaise. Bam's Crew: You can't give me one snap. Himself - Bam's Crew: The food train has arrived, sire. Who ordered a side of style? At home, we call this "portions galore"! Enjoy. Bam Margera: Vito, you're borderline fat. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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