
Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam (2003)

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Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt
  • 片       名Return to the B...
  • 上映時(shí)間2003年03月09日(美國)
  • 導(dǎo)       演 Paul A. Ka...
  • 又       名Return to the Batcave: The M...
  • 編       劇 Duane Pool...


  • Adam West: [after driving all night to the Arizona border in the search for the Batmobile] I think the clue is in our past, somewhere... Burt Ward: What's this? [removes flyer from under the car's windshield wiper] Adam West: ...we still have to find it. Burt Ward: [reads flyer] Hey Adam, look. The Highway to Arizona Bar is having a Happy Hour. Great place. Just down the street from the car museum. Adam West: [grabs flyer and reads it with stunned disbelief] You...you...you *knew* about that place?? Burt Ward: [not getting it] Yeah. Why? Adam West: [aggravated] Oh! Burt Ward: [thinks about it and realizes they've driven all night for nothing] Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Adam West: [after meeting on the set for the first time] Why don't we take some time and discuss our approaches to the role? Burt Ward: Well, I just plan on saying my lines. [sees looks of surprise on faces of West and director] Burt Ward: Is there more to it than that? Adam West: [trying to put it delicately] Uhhh, well, yeah. Maybe a little Adam West: [reading an invitation left on his front door] Alfred! I need you! [opens closet] Adam West: Ah, what to wear? [sees one suit] Adam West: Eh, too flashy. [sees another one] Adam West: Too stuffy. [sees another one] Adam West: Too formal. [comes across his old Batman costume] Adam West: Too retro. Jerry the Butler: [patiently after coming into the room] It's not Alfred, Mister West. It's Jerry. Alfred was the guy on the tv-show. Adam West: There's a charity event at the car museum tonight. It seems I'm expected. Jerry the Butler: [reads invitation] A little last minute, isn't it? Adam West: Charity doesn't punch a clock, my friend. Jerry the Butler: I guess you'll be needing your tuxedo. Adam West: Nooo. I think something a little more in keeping with the times. Something a little less formal. Something...Clooneyish. [Adam and Burt are sitting in the Batmobile at the charity event] Burt Ward: Wow. You know, it seems like almost yesterday. Adam West: 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請(qǐng)手動(dòng)復(fù)制
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  • Almost thirty-five years Burt. Time tumbles by. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請(qǐng)手動(dòng)復(fù)制
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  • Burt Ward: You know I forget what some of these buttons do. Adam West: I wouldn't touch those if I were... [Burt presses a button and oil slick sprays out onto the crowd] Burt Ward: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Sorry, I didn't know it was loaded. Adam West: That's why they usually left the driving to me. Valet parker: Hey, if you're looking for the Batmobile, it went that way. Adam West: [noticing he's wearing an eye patch] You have a sharp eye, my friend. [Adam and Burt are about to fight four henchman at the Arizona Bar] Burt Ward: Well? Adam West: I say we fight our way out like we always did. Burt Ward: We had stuntmen then. Even if mine was always on a coffee break. Sexy fan: Can I get an autograph, too? [exposes a portion of her left breast for Adam to sign on] Adam West: You know this is a... permanent marker. Sexy fan: Good. I hope it lasts forever. [after Adam disarms a bomb] Burt Ward: Good thing that bomb was a fake. [the bomb explodes and Burt is sent flying out of the cave by the blast, Adam walks out unharmed] Burt Ward: How come you didn't get burned? Adam West: Stuntman. Burt Ward: [disgusted] Dang! [Adam and Burt are at a diner. Burt reads a menu] Burt Ward: Holy lunch specials! Look at this. Adam West: It appears to be a menu, Burt. Not an unusual thing in a place like this. Burt Ward: But look what's *on* the menu, or rather *who*. A "Burgess Burger..." Adam West: What? Burt Ward: "Gorshin Franks and Beans..." "Cesar Romero Salad..." "Vincent Fries..." They even have drinks. Look, a "Julie New-Martini." [Burt hands Adam the menu and Adam reads it.] Adam West: "Art Chili Con Carney..." "Zsa Zsa Gabor..." "Liberace..." All these people disguised as daily specials! Burt Ward: Almost every actor who played a villain our characters battled. Adam West: Battled? Yes, and triumphed over. Any one of them could still be harboring a grudge. Burt Ward: Adam, they're only actors. Adam West: I'm sure they'd like us to think so, Burt. But there's more here than meets the eye. [Adam and Burt look around suspiciously] Adam West: Very odd. Burt Ward: What's that? Adam West: [checking his watch] It's time for an act break, but that voice is strangely absent. Burt Ward: *He* must be on 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請(qǐng)手動(dòng)復(fù)制
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  • a break. Adam West: Possibly. But now that he's not here, I miss him. [after the Batmobile's been stolen and leaves fire-tire tracks] Charity Event Host: The Batmobile's been stolen. Adam West: [holding up his car key] Using my key. Burt Ward: Holy tire tracks! Look, they go from two to one. It went out on two wheels. That fiend. Adam West: He may be a fiend, but he's an excellent driver. Fan boy: My brother said the show's No. Is that true? Burt Ward: Well, as long were No.1 with fans like you, we've done our job. [Burt's auditionin for the part of Robin] Burt Ward: Uh, Robin? Casting Director: Yeah, Batman's sidekick. You know the comic book character? Burt Ward: You're kidding? I used to pretend I was Superboy when I was three. I'd be speeding around on my tricycle. Burt Ward: Good guys don't lurk! Adam West: We've entered the mind of a madman. Jerry the Butler: My mind and welcome to it. Adam West: Alfred? Jerry the Butler: Jerry! How many times do I have to tell you? It's Jerry! Burt Ward: The butler did it. We should've seen this coming a mile away. Burt Ward: Diabolical! Jerry the Butler: Even more than you think, Mr. West. [Jerry unmasks himself and it is Frank Gorshin] Burt Ward: Holy plot twist! Your butler is...Frank Gorshin? Adam West: Has anybody seen by bat suit? 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請(qǐng)手動(dòng)復(fù)制
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