
The R.M. (2003)

  • 美國(guó)
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  • 喜劇  家庭
The R.M.
  • 片       名The R.M.
  • 上映時(shí)間2003年01月24日(美國(guó))
  • 導(dǎo)       演 Kurt Hale


  • Jared: But... Brigham: Butts are for chairs pal. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請(qǐng)手動(dòng)復(fù)制
  • 24 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請(qǐng)手動(dòng)復(fù)制
  • Jared 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請(qǐng)手動(dòng)復(fù)制
  • f32 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請(qǐng)手動(dòng)復(fù)制
  • : Kirby? That's not even a name! [Later] Ring seller: Kirby? That's not even a name. Brigham: Give 'em heaven, son. Jared: [attempting to explain who he is] Home! Me! Home! Me! Humu: Hey, Homey! Jared: Kirby? What kind of a name is that? It's like "Kirby from Rigby likes to play Frisbee." Humu: [Humu is a *very* large Tongan exchange student] Dude! Your fiance is *hot*. Jared: You speak English? Humu: Better than Tongan, actually. Jared: But... but... Humu: Hey, look, man, no offense, but all your mom ever talks about is food storage and Relief Society centerpieces. To avoid an awkward conversation, I just had to eat. Heck, I was a "buck-eighty" when I first got here. Ha ha! Brigham: You're not just an RM, you're an LDS RM, who's trained at the MTC who became a DL a ZL, and an AP, who was promised long ago by his bishop through a PPI after BYC that someday he'd be the EQP. I smell GA! 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請(qǐng)手動(dòng)復(fù)制
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