
"The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (2002)

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"The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius"


  • [Sheen and Carl are playing a board game] Sheen: Seven. Your llama falls into a mud pit. Carl: Sheen! There are no mud pits in "Llama's Day Out". Sheen: Maybe *that* explains why I'm having no fun. [Jimmy is struck by lightning over the phone] Carl: Jimmy! Are you okay? If you can hear me, give me the answers to 5a through 11c. You know, just so I know you're OK. Nick: We have to what? Sheen: You heard him. We have to make our teacher toss the lunch monkey. We need a bucket, an umbrella, and whatever they were serving for lunch in the cafeteria last Thursday. Jimmy: Bring my screwdriver and my special CD of town-saving music. Crowd: (In unison) You were right and we were wrong. Jimmy: Thanks. A healthy skepticism is the sign of... Say it again. Crowd: (In unison) You were right and we were wrong. Jimmy: Now in French. [Crowd repeats in French] Jimmy: Now in Chinese. [Crowd mutters in confusion] Jimmy: We found the lost tomb. Cindy: Shouldn't we call National Geographic or Harvard? Libby: Or Harrison Ford? Nick: Get out of my way, Shine. Sheen: SHEEN. Carl: We saw a ghost, and it has Jimmy! Cindy: Good. It can keep him. Sheen: You really have some anger issues, don't you? Hugh: Watch me shot-put this potato. Judy: Oh, ooh, be careful! [Hugh throws the potato out the window] Man: Ow! My eye! Cindy: So, do we have to refer to you as Queen Libby? Libby: No. "Your mighty fine royal fabulousness" will do. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • [Cindy watches Jimmy and Betty dance] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Cindy: I wouldn't dance with Nerdtron if he was the last boy on earth. Sheen: Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Cindy: *Methinks* you better button your yap before I button it for you! [a button appears on Sheen's mouth] Cindy: You just can't accept the fact that my plan is better than yours. Jimmy: Is not! Cindy: Is so! Jimmy: Is not! Cindy: Is so Carl: [screaming] STOP IT! STOP IT! CAN'T YOU SEE THIS CONSTANT FIGHTING IS TEARING US ALL APART? [pause] Sheen: [laughing] That was cool, Carl. I really believed you for a second. [Carl and Sheen see Prof. Calamitous enter the Candy Bar] Carl: Sheen. It's the perp! Sheen: Hey, yeah. You wrestle him to the ground and cuff him, and I'll watch. Carl: Why do you get to watch? Calamitous: May I use your... Sam Melnick: Telephone? Teeth whitening kit? Restroom? Calamitous: Restroom! Sam Melnick: No. It's for paying customers only. Calamitous: All right. I'll have a chocolate... Sam Melnick: Sundae? Rumball? Milkshake? [Jimmy and Officer Tubbs enter] Jimmy: Officer Tubbs, man that bathroom. Officer Tubbs: Thanks. Don't mind if I do. [Repeated line] Jimmy: Think. THINK. [the inside of Jimmy's brain is shown] Jimmy: Brain blast! [Jimmy and Cindy have switched bodies and are taking a pop quiz] Cindy: The ant is a member of the vegetable family Jimmy: Name the planets: Farkle, Gubgub... [Later] Miss Fowl: I would like an explanation for the two abominable grades Cindy: There's a perfect explanation. I, Jimmy Neutron, am a gabble-headed dipstick. Jimmy: But not as big a dipstick as you are, Miss Fowl. And if I don't get a month's worth of detentions for this, you're even dumber than you look. Cindy: Well, how many detentions is *this* worth, Miss Foul-breath? [Cindy kicks papers on Miss Fowl's desk] [Hugh is playing with Brobot] Hugh: I got your nose. (It comes off) I really do... Here's 5 bucks. [Jimmy feeds the Willie Loman 3000 too much book gum] Willy Loman 3000: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Once upon a time... It was the best of times, It was the worst of times... Elementary, my dear Watson... Hop on Pop... You're a sor-sor-sor-sorcerer, Harry... Danger, Jimmy Neutron... Dangerdangerdangerdangerdangerdanger... 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • [shuts down] [Jimmy and Cindy go to Retroland] Jimmy: I am not having fun. Cindy: Neither am I, Nerdtron. Jimmy: Want some gum? Cindy: NO! [Thomas Edison appears in Jimmy's Time Pincher] Edison: That Henry Ford is such a knucklehead... Where am I? Who took my iced tea? Jimmy: Get ready for the time pincher's maiden voyage. Sheen: You're bringing a girl with us? Cindy: Your sick patch dissolved into my skin, Nerdtron! Sheen: Jimmy, your patch pulled a Houdini. Libby: Cure me, or suffer the consequences. Carl: I don't want to be a bubble boy! Sheen: Poem? I thought we had to do an interpretive dance! Carl: No, that's Thursday. Terry Finster: Is that pie plate talking to me? Class: [singing to the tune of "Yankee Doodle"] Oh, Jimmy Neutron, you are great/ and so beyond compare-o./ The rest of us aren't even fit/ to wash your underwear-o. Jimmy: Sometimes it's a burden to be such a genius. Sheen: I know what you mean. That's why I decided early on to sabotage my highly scientific brain with cartoons and sugar. [Jimmy has made himself stupid] Jimmy: You guys wanna see My loopy dance? I'm loopy, I'm loopy, I'm loopy loopy loopy. Carl: Normal Jimmy seems kinda stupid. Sheen: Yeah, he's really messed up. I like him! Carl: Me too! Let's keep him. Willy Loman 3000: Hey-hey-hey, y-you look like a couple of intelligent young men. Carl: Na-hah, it's just the glasses. [watching Jimmy's TV show] Hugh: Look at our little Jimbo. The camera loves him. [things go wrong on Jimmy's show] Hugh: My mistake. The camera only likes him as a friend. Jimmy: I present to you the greatest thing your eyes have ever beheld. Carl: A llama? Jimmy: No. Carl: A baby llama? Jimmy: No. Carl: A baby llama with a hat? Jimmy: No! Cindy: An invention of yours that actually works? Jimmy: No... I mean, yes! Nanobot #2: I want to do it! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Nanobot #1 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : It's the captian's job. Nanobot #2: Sometimes the stewardess gets to talk. Nanobot #1: Get me some tea and a pillow and we'll discuss it. [Cindy and Jimmy have swapped bodies] Nick: [to Jimmy] So, do you want to go to the concert, Cindy? Jimmy: I wouldn't go with you if you were the last boy on Earth. That's how stuck-up I am. Cindy: She doesn't mean that! Carl: Today, I found something that has never been seen before in the history of the world... a half-eaten Krunchy Kreme jelly donut! [all gasp] Sheen: But they're 100% irresistible! No-one cannot finish one! Miss Fowl: I'm afraid I know someone who could. An old student of mine, Finbarr Calamitous. He was a brilliant boy but he could never finish anything, not even sentences, that's why I failed him. And he was bad. Nick: Like me? Miss Fowl: No, you're bad in the new sense, meaning good. Finbarr was bad in the old sense. He disappeared one day after not finishing his lunch. I wonder why he has returned... Carl! [Carl has eaten the rest of the donut] Carl: What? I don't know! [In Carl's dream] Jimmy: I have to prove to Carl he's dreaming. Cindy: I washed your brain, but I had trouble getting the think stains out. [Jimmy kisses Cindy] Carl: Jimmy kissing Cindy? I must be dreaming. [later, out of the dream] Cindy: Not even in HIS dreams, Neutron! [Cindy slaps Jimmy] Jimmy: I give you the Brain Drain The same dumbing down technology used by top radio personalities. Sheen: Jimmy, I really have to go to the bathroom! All I see is sand, and I'm not a cat. Jimmy: We gotta stop them before they reach Mount Incredibly Unstable! It's incredibly unstable! Sheen: Where do they get this stuff? Hugh: [On parenting] I find that it helps to set limits, like, "No time travel on school nights", or, "No teleporting your mother". Sheen: Hey guys! I think I found a bathroom! It smells like a bathroom! [Holds nose] Sheen: I wish I had one of those deodorizers you hang in the car for the rear-view mirror. Carl: [Takes out deodorizers] Lemon or strawberry? Sheen: Thanks Carl.Hey! How come you carry those around with you? Carl: 'Cause. Grandma Neutron: And forget Preparation H. I've made it all the way to Preparation X. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : [sees Jimmy dressed like Sherlock Holmes] Nice duds, dude. You lose a bet? Jimmy: [Sheen, Cindy, and Carl are sampling Jimmy's Book Gum] Sheen: Tastes fishy. Call me Ishmael. Starbuck, it's the great white whale. I'll get you, Moby Dick! Cindy: Give me that. Tastes like fried chicken. [southern accent] Cindy: Oh, Ashley. Oh, Rhett. I don't know nothing about birthin' no baby. Carl: Mmm, William Shakespeare. Jimmy: That might be a little strong for you, Carl. Carl: [English accent] But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the East and Juliet is the sun. See how she rests her cheek upon her hand? Oh, were I a glove upon that hands, that I may touch that cheek. [Sheen nervously takes a step away from Carl] [repeated line] Sheen: Aha! I don't get it. Sheen: Remember, this game is for mature players only, so act even more maturer than we usuallly do. I'll try to grow a mustache. Jimmy: My dad's over I'll act like him. [approaches counter and imitates Hugh] Jimmy: Well, howdy there, clerky-clerkotron. Clerk: Beat it. This game is for mature players only due to violence, exaggerated mayhem, and old-lady kicking. Sheen: THAT'S NOT FAIR! I demand my constipational rights! [the boys are thrown out of the store] Sheen: If I win this election, you can be my first lady. Libby: Get a life. [Cindy and Libby are having a yard sale] Cindy: What's the take? Libby: We're about $23 away from sharing an enchila-burrito from Taco Horn. Jimmy: These walls are lined with 3 feet of lead. No one's voice could possibly... Sheen: [from outside] JIMMY! LET ME IN! [Hugh and Jimmy leave on a camping trip] Judy: Alone at last. Come on, Goddard, let's break out the cookie dough and watch gladiator movies. Sheen: Can I say it, Jimmy? Jimmy: Sure, go ahead. Sheen: Atomic Batteries to power, turbines to speed, and kick it, baby! Jimmy: Say it right. Sheen: Lift off. Jimmy: Much better. Miss Fowl: Jimmy and Cindy will work together on their projects. [everyone gasps as thunder rumbles] Miss Fowl: Wow, that new school bell is a real waker-upper. Hugh: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • I just love our nine billion channel alien cable line-up! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Grandma Neutron: And after they finished cleaning out my ears, there was enough wax to open a candle shop. And then they found this hair that they think could go straight to my foot. [pulls ear and lifts foot] Jet Fusion: So, Beautiful, what's a beautiful girl like you doing with an evil dirtbag like Professor Calamitous? Beautiful Gorgeous: He's my father. Jet Fusion: [grunts in frustration] D'oh! Commander Baker: This is a dangerous mission. You may not come back alive. Jimmy: Can I get out of school? Jimmy: I love you, but I'm supposed to hate you. Cindy: What? Neutron, you are so dead! Sheen: You know what they say. Lies are just friends you haven't met. Cindy: [In Jimmy's body] Oh,yeah like I would really want to invent a tiolet in a briefcase! Jimmy: [In Cindy's body] Hey,that could have been an excellent relief to the traveling business man! Military Staff: Sir, we have reports of a 50-foot woman downtown! Military General: Thanks, but I'm looking for someone shorter, who enjoys walks in the park... Military Staff: [interrupting] She's not looking for a date, sir. She's terrorizing the town! Military General: Is there a difference? Okay, then, call in the military! Military Staff: We are the military, sir. Military General: Whoa, we got here fast! Carl: Not that fresh air and ticks in your sleeping bag isn't fun, but why do we have to go camping with you, Jimmy? Jimmy: Because if you don't, I'll be forced to publish these high-definition photos of you two playing with Pomono Beach Debbie Dolls. Sheen: Pomono Beach Debbie is an action figure. She posesses special powers that can defeat any adversary... except Ultra Lord, of course. Carl: I like the pretty bathing suits. Giggles the Clown: [to Jimmy] Can you teach me to get my hair in that ridiculous shape? Sheen: This year's play is "Macbeth in Space". What's that about? Carl: Some guy with a girl's last name. Ike: Principal Willoughby said it was written by a guy named William Shakespeare. Oleander: Isn't he the janitor? Sheen: Am I the only real man left? Libby: If by "man" you mean "doofus". Calamitous: My, aren't we the smart one. But not smart enough to fall into my... um... it starts with a T. Jimmy: Trap? Calamitous: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Yes! And now you will be my scientific slave. You will finish my... um... um... 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Jimmy: Sentences? Calamitous: No! My, um... Jimmy: Inventions? Calamitous: Inventions! Finish my inventions. And with them I shall take over the... um... Jimmy: Universe? Calamitous: Um... smaller. Jimmy: The town of Retroville? Calamitous: And all those fools who laughed at me. They called me "Half-done" and "Never-finish", which weren't very good nicknames, but they stung just the same. Jimmy: Wait a minute. If you can't finish anything, how did you finish that robot? Calamitous: Who says it's finished. I never put in a bathroom. Speaking of which... Edison: [seeing the light bulb on Jimmy's lab] And where did you get that? Where I come from that's copyright infringement. Copyright infringement! Jimmy: [thinking that the junkman is coming back for them, he picks up a pipe for a weapon] I'm not going down without a fight. [Brobot appears] Brobot: Hi, Jimmy! Jimmy: Brobot? Sheen: Let's hit him anyways. He's the one who got us into this mess. Brobot: Now will you help me find my parents? Sheen: Well Brobot, that would be the "right thing" to do, but the "smart thing" to do would be find Jimmy's rocket, go home, and CALL IT A DAY! Sheen: Medulla oblongata. I don't know what it means, but I love it. [warrior voice] Sheen: Back, or I will slay you with my medulla oblongata! Jimmy: [on the phone] Cindy, whatcha doin? Cindy: Neutron! Well after we hang up I'll be getting an unlisted number! Jimmy: Okay, Sheen. All you have to do is press the buttons... Sheen: Got it! Jimmy: I'm not done. Press the buttons one at a time... Sheen: Got it! Jimmy: I'm not done! Press the buttons one at a time when they light up. [Sheen says nothing] Jimmy: I'm done. Sheen: Got it! Carl: Hey Jimmy, I thought we weren't supposed to like girls. Jimmy: [Lovestruck] We don't. Betty is a woman. Jimmy: Don't couples usually go on second honeymoons? Judy: We had one of those, but thanks to a certain boy genius and his Forget-O-Blaster, we have lost all memory of it. Jimmy: Oh, yeah. Judy: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • As well as the fifth year of our marriage. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Hugh: I wish I could remember that year. Do you think I had pie? Cindy: You turned your own grandmother into a baby? Jimmy: I have a loophole... I mean, explanation. It could have happened to anyone with a genius IQ and access to unstable chemicals. [Jimmy has turned his grandmother into a baby] Man: Did that baby just talk? Jimmy: No, of course not. Everyone knows babies can't talk. Grandma Neutron: That's right, cause if we did, the Videotubbies would be cancelled so fast it would make their head aerials spin. Carl: [backstage, just before the curtain opens] Hey, Jimmy, I just found out that the play Macbeth has a curse and you're not supposed to say Macbeth cause if you say Macbeth bad things happen cause you said Macbeth and we've been saying Macbeth a lot and congratulations on getting the part of Macbeth. [gasps in sudden realization] Carl: I said *Macbeth*! Jimmy: [Sheen is slicing up a recently defeated lima bean monster] Fortunately, as all bean farmers know, phaseolus lunatus perishes when exposed to dry air and overly-nitrogenous soil. Carl: But you hit it with a hammer. Jimmy: [Jimmy had to kiss Cindy to escape from Carl's dream] Uh, Carl, you won't tell anybody about that awful desperate thing I did to wake you up? Carl: Sure thing, Jimmy. Cindy: [barging into Jimmy's kitchen] Not even in *his* dreams, Neutron! [slaps Jimmy] Libby: If you're asteroid inspectors, then let's see your badges! [the aliens blast them with laser weapons] Sheen: Uh, Libby, I don't think they need no stinkin' badges. Hugh: I am Man, the pointy tip of the food chain! Gaze upon my opposable thumbs and tremble! Sheen: Why is this day unlike any other, you may ask? Because I brought a new Ultra-Lord action figure! Cindy: So? You always bring one of those, Ultra-Loser. Sheen: Mock if you must, O Maiden of Wrongness, for this is the Ultra-Lord Action Figure #3 with factory gender error. Ultra-Lord: [in girl voice] Like, will I wear this dress to the prom? Carl: This reminds me of the story of the boy who cried llama. Sheen: Wolf. Carl: [alarmed] Where? Junkman: Oh, Mommy. I could never put a price on you... so I sold you to the highest bidder. Miss Fowl: It has come to my attention that some of our candidates are guilty of bribery, blackmail and... murder! [audience gasps] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • : Oh, sorry. Did I say murder? I meant operating a zeppelin on school grounds. [Jimmy's pants disappear, leaving him in his underwear] Cindy: [laughing] I see London, I see France! Carl: You've got really good eyesight. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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