
"So Little Time" (2001)

  • 美國
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"So Little Time"
  • 片       名"So Little ...
  • 上映時間2001年09月08日(美國)
  • 導       演 Richard Co...Jean Sagal


  • Larry: Hey, guys. What are you doing? Riley: Hey. We're just looking for some jobs. Larry: [Laughs] Seriously, what are you doing? Jake: Chloe, the air pressure in the tires is fine. Chloe: Are they, Mr. Know-It-All? Well, perhaps you can tell me what the exact pressure of each tyre should be! Jake: Perhaps you can tell me where you come from! Riley: There's a lot of very important decisions into buying a car. So we have to approach it as mature, responsible adults. Chloe: This one goes really fast! Riley: OK, so what do you think of my branding plate? "Too Cute" or "Way Too Cute"? Manuelo: You know, I've never worn a thong underwear before. And I'll tell you something... I don't hate it! [repeated line] Manuelo: I don't hate it! Lennon Kincaid: Relax. Don't be so predictable. Chloe: You want predictable? [kisses him] Chloe: [triumphantly] How's that for predictable? Lennon Kincaid: [slightly dazed] I-I knew you were going to do that. Larry: So you're a girl who happens to be my friend? Chloe: yeah. Larry: And I can tell people? Chloe: Sure. Larry: Hey Tony! Chloe's my... Chloe: [interrupts] Larry I am a girl who happens to be your friend! But if you value your life NEVER put those 2 words together. Larry: So, what would make Riley like me? Chloe: A new hairstyle? Larry: [makes a face] Chloe: Or we could just wash the current one. Riley: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • [tells off Tony to defend Larry] 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Larry: So, does this mean you're my girlfriend now? Riley: Are you insane? Larry: It's a start. Chloe: This is the most ridiculous, most stupid thing we've ever done. Riley: It's not our fault. I blame the media. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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