
New Waterford Girl (2000)

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New Waterford Girl
  • 片       名New Waterford G...
  • 上映時間1999年09月12日(加拿大)
  • 導       演 Allan Moyl...
  • 又       名New Waterford Girl
  • 編       劇 Tricia Fis...


  • Cecil Sweeney: My house. You think this is a sign? Lou Benzoa: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Yeah, it's a sign your house is gone. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Moonie Pottie: Why can't I just be alone? Francis Pottie: [angry; points up the stairs] All right, Mooney, go to your room! Moonie Pottie: I don't have a room! I sleep in the hall, remember? Lou Benzoa: The Hudson River is filled with piss, cola, and sludge, OK? There's hardly any water in it. Cecil Sweeney: Class is over, Joey, go eat some Halibut. Lou Benzoa: Hey, this the boxing club? Boxing Trainer: Yep. Lou Benzoa: So, you guys use standing eight-counts or what? Boxing Trainer: Let them kill each other, pretty much. Tammy: And then, I find out he has three kids already. He said that he had a vasectomy. Jesus. Lou Benzoa: Are you sure he didn't say tonsillectomy? Lou Benzoa: This is crazy. Wish we had some sorta sign. Boy: [the boy in the sweater and skirt walks up to them, smiling shyly] This was my mother's sweater. She was wearing it when she died, after she ate a grilled-cheese sandwich. [he walks off] Lou Benzoa: That's not... really helpful to us in any way, is it? Moonie Pottie: I don't think so. Lou Benzoa: He looked good, though. Moonie Pottie: Yeah, he did. Moonie Pottie: Ask me anything. I know Lexter Pottie cried with happiness when they named the triplets Rudy, Joy, and Brenda. I know all the street-names. I know how to re-use a tea-bag. I know what they do up number eleven. I know how to beat the crap out of someone. I know all about God's country. Ask me anything. Felix Pottie: [as they wait outside their occupied bathroom] What did you dream about, dad? Francis Pottie: I dreamed I had somewhere to piss. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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