

  • Marcy Tizard: Wow, he must really like that dog... Moira Kelly: It's like gum in your hair. It comes out eventually. Sean Kelly: Sometimes the easy way out is the right way out. Marcy Tizard: Is being an idiot like being high all the time? Sean Kelly: No, it's like being constantly right. Marcy Tizard: Oh yes, I'm so very Mary Tyler Moore, everyone says so. Sean Kelly: If you lay a hand on me again, I'll be mailing it back to you. Marcy Tizard: I... I... I long to fax someone Sean Kelly: I have a fax. Marcy Tizard: [gasps] You do! Marcy Tizard: It's so beautiful here. If it just had the New York Times, it would be perfect. Sarah Kelly: You should come to the dance, Marcy, come and have a bit o' craic. Marcy Tizard: Crack? Sarah Kelly: Yah, it's brilliant craic. Marcy Tizard: By crack I'm assuming that you don't mean incredibly hard drugs. Sarah Kelly: Oh no! It just means havin' a laugh, like havin' a bit o' fun! Dermot: There's a time in every relationship when you'll both bend over to pick something up and hit your heads together. Best to get it out of the way. Nick: Okay. Plan Senator John McGlory: You mean Plan B? Nick: Plan B, 2, what's the difference? Senator John McGlory: What's Plan B-2? Senator John McGlory: I always thought you were just really good at your job. But you really are an asshole, aren't you? Nick: They go hand in hand, Senator. Matchmaking patron: I'll tell you me favorite color; bollix! Marcy Tizard: [gasps] You little slut. Bettina: I'm sorry? Marcy Tizard: I said good morning. Marcy Tizard: Is this a humiliate-the-tourist scenario? Sean Kelly: [nodding] No. Marcy Tizard: Yes, hello? I'd like to call the United States from the SMALLEST FUCKING ROOM IN THE WORLD! Millie O'Dowd: The management reserves the right to refuse admission to old farts! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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