

  • Lilly: I haven't been this happy since it was okay to take drugs. Lilly: Oh, well at least I was faithful! Dan: Yeah, you were faithful like a Kennedy was faithful! Lilly Leonard: You know what the twenties are for? Having sex with all the wrong people. Not to get married. Alan Leonard: What people want in a marriage is what I call emotional valet parking. Alan Leonard: It is important to dialogue and to language with each other. Keith Marks: I told you, I have to be on top. I have back problems. Rowena: Among other things. Aunt Iris: Phew, I need a drink. Waiter, get over here! No, not you, the young one. [Keith and Molly just discovered her parents together in the next room] Keith Marks: I thought they hated each other? Molly De Mora: Well, they're supposed to. Lilly: [after seeing a red hair on Keith's jacket] Rowena! You're shedding again! Rowena: [Dan has just returned from what Rowena assumes was a fight with Lillian] Are you all right? You don't even have to talk about it. It must have been awful, trapped out there with that wicked tongue. Well, I hope you gave it right back to her as good as she gave it. Dan: [pauses and smiles to himself] Oh, I know I did! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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