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  • Bones: Actually, I wish you WERE my "first" sergeant, but I already had a couple before you. Bones: Can I call you 'General Sweetpants'? Bones: Where did the sun go? Jack: There is no sun anymore. We died, and this is hell. Bones: Oh, ok. Thanks for clearing that up. Sgt. Ladd: Drop down and give me twenty! Bones: Here. Take the whole wallet. Bones: Thank you, sir. But I could not have done it without the help and inspiration of my brother, the poolman. [under the effects of morphine] Sgt. Stern: Dad, why can't I go to ballet class? Teacher said I'm a natural. [Bones and Jack see a Special Forces officer trying to assemble a gun very fast. Bones decides to take a flashlight and assemble it fast. The spring flies off and hits Sgt. Stern] Jack: Oh no... that's not good. That's noooot good. Uh-oh... he's coming over... Bones: I don't know. How does it feel to be a dick, dick? Bones: Is it hot in Chad? [Bones, Fred, Christine, and Jack are in their tent at night] Bones: Hey this reminds me of camp... John Jacob Jingle Himenschmidt [Fred, Christine, Bones, and Jack sing the rest] Bones, Christine, Jack, and Fred: LA LA LA LA LA LA LA! John... Other Troops: SHUT UP! [silence] [Jack is trying to get the truck out of the sand and is having trouble] Bones: Your sucking too much sand in the air filter! I'M ORDERING YOU! Jack: Your ordering me? Bones: I'm first class... [laughs] Bones: now I'm ordering you! Jack: The only reason your first class is cause your brother is a poolman! (Truck makes a poping noise and Jack: It's the ocean! it's the ocean! [Jack is naked after seeing a mirage of the ocean] Bones: Wow Jack... LOOK AT THAT ASS! Wooo! Maybe you should stay naked! Bones: I've seen lots of camel toes before, but never on a camel! [while under fire] Jack: [to Bones] Tell me about the store again. [Bones is mishandling a bazooka] Sgt. Ladd: See here, it's foolproof, even for you. Bones: [Jack and Bones are selling things for a camel. Bones takes Jacks watch] How about t 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • his watch? Jack: No, not the watch. It has a compass. Bones: ...it has a compass? You mean to tell me that we have been out in this desert for three days and you had a compass the entire time? Ooooh, Jack. You're going to get a lot of noogies for this. Jack: I forgot. Bones: Yeah? Well now you're going to forget about this watch cause it's gone now! Bones: We're the few. The proud. The WATERBOYS! Bones: Gabriella, she broke my heart. Thankfully I'm too shallow to let it keep bummed for too long! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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