

  • Joe Brofmowski: Stop or my mom will shoot! Tutti Bomowski: His ass was the grass and I was the lawnmower. Tutti Bomowski: Stop! Stop that man Joe. Stop that man! [Joe tackles the man] Tutti Bomowski: I saw that man on America's Most Wanted. Joe Brofmowski: What did he do? Tutti Bomowski: He killed his mother. Tutti Bomowski: [pointing the gun at her son] Go ahead! Make your bed. Tutti Bomowski: [to the flight attendants] It was so cute, when he was 6 years old he walked into the kitchen and said "Mommy! My peepee's stuck in my zipper!" Joe Brofmowski: Mom, I don't like eggs. Tutti Bomowski: If you don't eat them now, they'll be waiting here for you at dinner. Joe Brofmowski: Why didn't you answer when I called? Tutti Bomowski: That was you? You never called. Joe Brofmowski: That was me, why didn't you pick up the phone? Tutti Bomowski: Every year when I'm about to come out to visit, you call and say it's not a good time, so I decided not to answer the phone this time incase you called. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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