

  • Ralph Willum: I'll tell you a secret. I didn't do it for science. And I didn't do it for glory. I'M JUST MEAN! Lance: Blind kids, a midget, dykes on bikes... we could start a side-show! Booge: Gee, dad, maybe if you don't eat people, nobody will notice you're a zombie. Donny: Jeez, Dad, maybe if you don't eat anybody, nobody'll notice you're a zombie. Ralph Willum: What's the Bob motto? Bob: If God had... Ralph Willum: I can't hear you! Bob: If GOD had wanted me to be like normal people, he would have made me look like normal people... [Bob Willum and a grieving widow are at a grave] Ralph Willum: Dearly beloved we are gathered... [He notices sand leaking out of the coffin, as it is devoid of the corpse] Ralph Willum: Well... what the fuck, why dwell on it? Rox: You're the Sluts! Try and act like it! Lucile: I'm going to get me some meat. Dede: [an army of zombies attacks the town] Shoot! Nurse: We can't. They're us. They're good people. Dede: They're going to eat you! Dede: Family. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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