
好萊塢騎士 (1980)

  • 美國
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  • 喜劇
  • 片       名好萊塢騎士
  • 上映時間1980年05月18日(美國)
  • 導       演 Floyd Mutr...


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  • Sally: He's got more humor in his little pinky than you have in your whole pinky. Sally: Turk, did you come? Newbomb Turk: A little. Sally: What do you mean a little? Either you came or you didn't. Newbomb Turk: I came. Sally: Oh my God, I can't believe you came. You are so immature. Officer Clark: Don't you think I'd look good in a moustache? Bimbeau: You'd be perfect. You'd be a perfect horse's ass. Newbomb Turk: [Wearing a wolf mask] Hey, Red Riding Hood, wanna be eaten by the Big, Bad Wolf? Red Riding Hood: Fuck you Newbomb. Bimbeau: Lemme tell you buttholes somethin'! This shit's wwaaayyyyy outta line! And you squirrels better have some nuts in your mouth... or you're goin' downtown! Bimbeau: [after tasting the punch, which the Knights have urinated in] It does have a little wang to it. Good, though. Newbomb Turk: Did you ever hear the joke about the man with five penises? His pants fit like a glove. [repeated line to a little boy] Bimbeau: You little son of a bitch! [Sally's friends are topless sunbathing by the pool] Sally: I don't know why you're doing that. The last time I did that my tits peeled so much I went from a B cup to an A. Dudley: Don't hurt me! I think I may be a bleeder! Mrs. Freidman: I've had this taste in my mouth before. Smitty: Everything changes, you know that. Nothing stays the same. Sally: I mean, I don't know what it's gonna be. Soon I'll be going away to college and I'll probably never see you again. Newbomb Turk: You're going to UCLA. [Dudley is calling his mother from Tubby's] Dudley: Mother? Dudley's Mother: Dudley? Dudley: Mother, I am calling you to tell you I will be out rather late tonight. In point of fact, I might not be in at all. Dudley's Mother: You're not in bed, dear? Dudley: Mother, I have a assignation with a young lady. I am going to explore the boundaries of my manhood. Mother, I am going to get laid. Dudley's Mother: You're going to be late, dear? Dudley: Not late, mother, laid; the past participle of the verb 'to lay'. Mother, I am going to screw someone. Dudley's Mother: Oh! [faints] Dudley: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Now, I just have to figure out how. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Bimbeau: You know what I'd like to do to you, Newbomb? I'd like to kick the crap out of you! Suzie Q: How about a kiss? Duke: Sure, those never cost anything. Suzie Q: Yes they did. I got used to them. Brenda Weintraub: [Tape played over the PA system at the dance] Did you hear about Jean Freidman? I heard she had an abortion in Tijuana. Shirley Weintraub: That's doesn't surprise me. I heard she gave half the football team the clap. [chuckles] Shirley Weintraub: They sure played like they still had it last week. Newbomb Turk: That was the 'Ironbox' Twins, Brenda and Shirley Weintraub, coming to you live from the ladies' room at Tubby's Drive-In. Mrs. Freidman: [Speaking to a crowd of investors in her living room] Starting tomorrow, today is history... Bimbeau: [Overheard speaking to Officer Clark from the kitchen] HORSESHIT! Mrs. Freidman: Um, Nevans, there seems to be some sort of disturbance in the kitchen. Nevans: Um, yes, those are members of the Hollywood Police Dept. Mrs. Freidman: Oh, well... go take care of it. Bimbeau: [heard from the kitchen, screaming at Officer Clark] BULLSHIT! Nevans: I'll go see if I can't get those boys to calm down. Bimbeau: [singing to the theme of Lawrence of Arabia] Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia. He was an English Guy. He came to fight the Turkish. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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