

  • Raoul Esteban: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • [at the unemployment office] Look what your card says, Aerospace Executive. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Dick Harper: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Yeah, but I'm not that anymore. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Raoul Esteban: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • In here, man, you are what you were. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Telephone customer: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • [Dick and Jane are robbing the phone company as the customers cheer] Someone's robbing the phone company. Bless you. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Charlie Blanchard: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • You can tell me anything. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Dick Harper: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • We just robbed your safe. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Dr. Will: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Say "I am!" 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Dick Harper: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • [pointing a gun at Dr. Will] Stick 'em up! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Dr. Will: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Did I hear you right, sinner? Are you holding me up? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Dick Harper: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • [imitating Dr. Will] I am! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Jane Harper: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Interesting that the only two jobs you think I am qualified for are a secretary and a prostitute. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • Dick Harper: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
  • You're not qualified to be a secretary. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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