

  • Glendolene Kimmel: 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Someday, you're going to have to pay for your way of life, Tom. You're a bad man and I know it. And if I let you talk me out of it, I'll be lost forever. So my adventures in this life won't mean anything because you will have seduced my soul...and drawn me into your world. Goodbye, Tom. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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  • Tom Horn: Keep your nerve Sam, 'cause I'm gonna keep mine. U.S. Marshal Joe Belle: Do you know who I am? Tom Horn: No. U.S. Marshal Joe Belle: What you were in the Southwest, I was in the Northwest. Tom Horn: I was mostly out of work. Tom Horn: Listen, why are you hangin' around with me? Glendolene Kimmel: Because you are a link to the Old West. Tom Horn: If you really knew how dirty and raggedy-assed the Old West was, you wouldn't want any part of it. Tom Horn: [referring to the witnesses at his hanging] Sam, I never did see such a pasty-faced bunch of marshals. Tom Horn: Did you get the letter that is telling you to not come around here? Lee Mendenhour: I got your fucking letter, champion! I rolled it up in the back with tobacco and smoked it! Tom Horn: Did you get the note telling you to not come around here? Lee Mendenhour: I got your fucking note! I rolled it up in the back with tobacco and smoked it! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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