

  • J.D. Cahill: My apologies, ma'am. Slight negligence in his upbringing. J.D. Cahill: Mister, I ain't got a bigoted bone in my body. You don't drop that axe I'll blast you to hell as quick as I would a white man. Lightfoot: Give me my five dollars. If you get shot tonight, I'll disappear. Oh, I'll come back and bury you... and mumble something Christian over your grave. J.D. Cahill: Lightfoot, your kindness overwhelms me. Billy Joe 'Budger' Cahill: You're bleeding again, Pa. J.D. Cahill: Yeah, I guess it goes with the badge. You got a kerchief? Billy Joe 'Budger' Cahill: Yeah. J.D. Cahill: Jam it in this hole. It'll stop the bleeding. [talking to the town drunk who is locked in a jail cell] J.D. Cahill: Charlie, what are you doing in here? It ain't Thursday. Charlie Smith, Town Drunk: A man has got a right to change his mind. Besides, it's going to rain on Thursday. And drinking in the rain, that's bad for your health. [yelling at vultures circling overhead] Pee Wee Simser, Outlaw: Oh no you ain't! You ain't going to get me today, you dirty beady-eyed little sons. Because old Pee Wee ain't going to die today. You filthy scavengers! J.D. Cahill: Oh, shut up, Simser! If a buzzard bites you, he'd never eat meat again. [to an outlaw trying to rescue the prisoners] J.D. Cahill: Well, there's no use prodding around. I'm willing to die trying to keep 'em. The question is, are you willing to die trying to take 'em. Now I'm cold and hungry and wet and tired and short-tempered, so get on with it! J.D. Cahill: Oh, MacDonald! This is Cahill. How are you? MacDonald, Hermit who sells Cahill the mule: Fine... leastwise, no one has tried to hang me lately. Danny Cahill: One thing I hate more than a Commanche is half of one. J.D. Cahill: His name is Lightfoot. And I wouldn't call him, 'Breed' to his face if I was you... not if you want to reach maturity. J.D. Cahill: Any of you want to surrender? Ben Tildy, Outlaw: Now what did you say? J.D. Cahill: I said, 'Any of you want to surrender?' Ben Tildy, Outlaw: Five of us and one of you! I'll say one thing for you, J.D., you got style! Yes sir, you got style! J.D. Cahill 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
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  • : Lightfoot, Amy and me tried for a lot of years to have children... but maybe they came along too late in my life. Lightfoot: J.D.? J.D. Cahill: Yeah? Lightfoot: There ain't nothing too late... if you love it. [to a wounded outlaw] J.D. Cahill: You call the tune and you pay the piper. Meaning... you don't like the treatment, don't rob the banks. 復(fù)制 復(fù)制成功 復(fù)制失敗,請手動復(fù)制
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