
現在的你最可愛 (1942)

  • 美國
  • |
  • 喜劇  經典  愛情
  • 片       名現在的你最可愛
  • 上映時間1943年05月01日(瑞典)
  • 導       演 威廉·A·塞特爾


  • Mrs. Delfina Acuña: I wish you wouldn't speak while I'm interrupting. Robert 'Bob' Davis: When do I start dancing? Eduardo Acuña: You do not start dancing. Robert 'Bob' Davis: But didn't you come to see me about? Eduardo Acuña: About one of my daughters. The one you so gallantly referred to as "the inside of a refrigerator"? Robert 'Bob' Davis: Oh... but, I'm afraid I don't follow you. Eduardo Acuña: She thinks you're in love with her. Robert 'Bob' Davis: Would it be rude of me to inquire if there is any insanity in your family? [discussing their daughter] Eduardo Acuña: Maria is going to wait until the right man comes along. Mrs. Delfina Acuña: Why should she? I didn't. Eduardo Acuña: What's gotten into you, Maria? Nice girls don't act this way. Maria Acuña: [Naughtily] Nice girls don't feel the way I do. Eduardo Acuña: Why, you're brazen! Maria Acuña: How could I be... with a heart like an ice cube? 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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