
Stacy's Mom (2009)

  • 美國
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  • 喜劇
  • 片       名Stacy's Mo...
  • 導       演 Patrick Sa...


  • advertisement Tommy: I mean honestly, who in this day and age leaves their house and doesn't lock their door? Mark: Maybe she's got Brinks or something. Juan: What's that? A mental disease? Roland: No man, it's a security system... Juan: Oh... my bad. Mark: I'm serious though, it's like an Altoid for your... Roland: No,no man, i hear ya. I just don't believe it. Juan: Yeah, isn't that stuff meant for your feet? Mark: Yeah, for like... advertising purposes. Just pick up a small dark blue bottle and your good to go. But do yourself a favor and... avoid the tip. 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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