
"Cybill" (1995)

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  • advertisement Zoey: People with cute nicknames should be used for food. [Cybill is talking about how she gave up a major role in "The Godfather"] Cybill Sheridan: I could have had Diane Keaton's part, but I gave it up for a role in a major motion picture starring... ABBA. [grimaces] Backup Singers: [to a Samba beat, as Cybil dances and sexily holds two large coconuts in front of her] Coconuts, coconuts, co- co- co- coconuts. Maryann Thorpe: [spying on her ex-husband and singing to the tune of "I've Been Workin' On The Railroad"] The eyes of Maryann are on you, all the live long day/You hired a lawyer and divorced me, but you can't get away. Zoey: It's like I'm roasting on a spit in hell, and you two are there with chefs hats and barbeque tongs. Kevin Blanders: Oh that's right! Emasculate me! C'mon! Rachel Blanders: It's *always* about your penis, isn't it? Zoey: [while watching Cybill do a scene in her unfunny sitcom] I would laugh harder at my own autopsy. Cybill Sheridan: Smell me. Maryann Thorpe: Bite me. Maryann Thorpe: Did I ever tell you I superglued his penis to his thigh? Maryann Thorpe: My mouth feels like I just swallowed sheep. Maryann Thorpe: Stink-o-rama! Loser! Must Pee TV! Maryann Thorpe: Searing pain! Nerve damage! Temporary blindness! The taste of burnt pennies! 復制 復制成功 復制失敗,請手動復制
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